Behind every GOAL, there is the KICK! Start on the RIGHT footing and soar HIGH in the NEW YEAR. Wishing you and your family a HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! From ASHWIN NAGAR +919833015352
1. I have created an sms group for the members of yahoo group, Common Friends. We will be sharing good quotes, funny/interesting good messages.
If you wish to subscribe to this group, send following sms to 9870807070
ON AshwinNagar
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And you will be the member of my SMS group of Common Friends. You can unsubscribe at any point of time by sendin an sms Off AshwinNagar. There is no charge for receiving sms. So let's Go Mobile.
2. Common Friends Yahoogroup is now on Orkut. If you have an orkut account or gmail account, you can join this group on ORKUT. Click the link below and sign in with your google or orkut account and Join the Group.
http://www.orkut. com/Community. aspx?cmm= 17520312
Have the fun on ORKUT.
3.Please Write your comments by clicking on the link below: