Tuesday, May 17, 2011

[common friends] Parsi names

A well-written piece, though writer not mentioned :

While most surnames in India reflect caste and lineage, the Parsis had a delightfully modern streak - having landed without caste, history and context, they created identities through professions and urban streets.

Our Sikh family moved to Bombay (now Mumbai) from Rawalpindi in 1947. We came as refugees but the family soon settled and by 1953 my father had restarted
playing golf at the Willingdon Club. I was eight years old and would walk 18 holes with him every Saturday and Sunday. The three Parsi gentlemen who made
up his regular four-ball were "uncles" Poonawala, Coorlawala and Colabawala. Very soon they had re-christened my father Pindiwala.

Uncle Colabawala did not live in Colaba but in a penthouse on Malabar Hill. Maybe his ancestors had lived in Colaba. I used to spend hours searching the telephone directory to find Parsi surnames and building up stories around their families.

There was prohibition in Bombay those days. So to get liquor you had to find Mr Dalal, who would introduce you to Mr Daruwala, who in turn would get bottles delivered to your home by Mr Batliwala who would be accompanied by Mr Sodawaterbottleopenerwalla (the longest Parsi surname I have come across).

Other surnames whose ancestors were in the beverages trade were Mr Fountainwala, Mr Ginwala, Mr Rumwala, Mr Sodawala and Mr Jhunjhunwala.

We used to have two delightful Siamese kittens in our flat and these were gifted to my mother by her friend Mrs Billimoria. My mother spent hours knitting cardigans for them, with wool she bought from the Unwala family.

My uncle ran the air force canteen in Cotton Green and his partner, yes, you guessed it, was Mr Canteenwala. They had this fantastic cook, Mr Bhajiwala. Their mild and meek manager, Mr Jeejeebhoy, nodded his head and agreed with everything everybody said.

My grandfather was the Sheriff of Bombay. I think the first and only Sikh to hold this position. Being Sheriff it was only natural that he had Mr Bandookwala and Mr Golimarwala as his constant companions.

Grandfather had many Parsi friends who were in politics. There was this squeaky clean khadi-clad Mr Ghandy, and the not so clean Mr Kalaghandy - who was invariably being hounded by Mr Kotwal. But he never left home without his "friends" Mr Barrister, Mr Vakil, Mr Lawyer and their munshi Mr Mehnty.

My grandfather built Hotel Waldorf on Arthur Bunder Road in Colaba. So for this he naturally used the services of Mr Contractor and Mr Mistry. He never went to the "native" moneylenders when short of money, but borrowed it from his Parsi friend Mr Readymoney.

Our neighbour and family physician was Dr Adi Doctor - he was only half a doctor. He lived with his in laws Mr and Mrs Pochkhanawala. My sister swears they ate only poached eggs for breakfast.

I remember going to Dr Doctor's sister's wedding. She married Mr Screwala. What he did for a living, I do not know to this day. If you are in Mumbai maybe you can track him down in the yellow or pink pages.

The Parsis have taught us that if you take serious interest in satire, you can change the world! My name today is Comedymanifestowalla!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Comments made in the year 1955! .....Interesting

Comments made in the year 1955!

I'll tell you one thing, if things

keep going the way they are,
it's going to be impossible to
buy a week's groceries for $10.00. <Image.jpg>

Have you seen the new cars
coming out next year? It won't
be long before $1,000.00 will
only buy a used one.


If cigarettes keep going up in
price, I'm going to quit; 20 cents
a pack is ridiculous.

Did you hear the post office is
thinking about charging 7 cents
just to mail a letter.

If they raise the minimum wage
to $1.00, nobody will be able to
hire outside help at the store.

When I first started driving, who
would have thought gas would
someday cost 25 cents a gallon.
Guess we'd be better off leaving
the car in the garage.

I'm afraid to send my kids to the
movies any more. Ever since they
let Clark Gable get by with saying
it seems every new movie has
either HELL or DAMN in it.

I read the other day where some
scientist thinks it's possible to put
a man on the moon by the end of
the century. They even have some
fellows they call astronauts
preparing for it down in Texas .

Did you see where some baseball
player just signed a contract for
$50,000 a year just to play ball?
It wouldn't surprise me if someday
they'll be making more than the

I never thought I'd see the day
all our kitchen appliances would
be electric. They're even making
electric typewriters now.

It's too bad things are so tough
nowadays. I see where a few
married women are having to
work to make ends meet.

It won't be long before young
couples are going to have to hire
someone to watch their kids so
they can both work.

I'm afraid the Volkswagen car
is going to open the door to a
whole lot of foreign business.

Thank goodness I won't live to
see the day when the Government
takes half our income in taxes. I
sometimes wonder if we are
electing the best people to

The fast food restaurant is
convenient for a quick meal,
but I seriously doubt they
will ever catch on.

There is no sense going on short
trips anymore for a weekend. It
costs nearly $2.00 a night to stay
in a hotel.


No one can afford to be sick
anymore. At $15.00 a day in
the hospital, it's too rich for
my blood.

If they think I'll pay 30 cents
for a haircut, forget it.

Sunday, May 08, 2011



(1) Clearly Misunderstood

(2) Exact Estimate

(3) Small Crowd

(4) Act Naturally

(5) Found Missing

(6) Fully Empty

(7) Pretty Ugly

(8) Seriously Funny

(9) Only Choice

(10) Original Copies

(11) Happily Married