Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Summer Skin Care

Sunshine, heat, humidity, and chlorine can do a number on summer skin. For one thing, the sun's rays are particularly strong, so the chances of developing wrinkles, age spots — or even worse, skin cancer — increase. Plus, higher heat and humidity mean more rashes, breakouts, and clogged pores, while chlorine dries out your skin (and your hair!) Hey, don't let these potential downers rain on your summer parade. Follow these summer skin tactics and you'll be good to glow.


Don't skip the moisturizer: Your skin may be less dry these days, but don't banish that moisturizer. Instead, switch to lighter, water-based formulas for both face and body, and swap your heavy eye cream for a lighter serum.


Slather on the sunscreen: Choose products that provide broad-spectrum protection (they block both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays) with a minimum sun protection factor (SPF) of 15. Apply sunscreen liberally (at least a one-ounce shot-glass-size amount) before you go outside; reapply every two hours and always after swimming. And don't let those clouds fool you — apply sunscreen every single day!


Bring on the balm: Lips are susceptible to skin cancer too, so be sure to wear a broad-spectrum sun-protective lip balm with an SPF of at least 15 to keep lips sun-safe and supple.


Switch to summer makeup: Trade liquid foundation for a lighter, mineral-based powder with a minimum SPF of 15. Skip the creamy blush and instead go for a natural-looking glow with a touch of bronzing powder. Use waterproof mascara for streak-free swimming, and ditch that lipstick for a dab of tinted gloss.


Don sun-protective clothing: No need to cover up head to toe, but do consider a long-sleeved shirt, wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses at the beach, at least for part of the day. Remember, tightly woven, darker fabrics are better sun blockers than lightweight, light-hued fabrics, or try clothing especially made for sun protection.


Exfoliate regularly: Sun, sand, sweat, and sunscreen only increase the amount of dead skin cells that build up on your face and body. Slough them off with an exfoliating scrub or loofah a few times each week. (A beautiful bonus: Exfoliating will also help your self-tanner go on more evenly and prevent streaking.)


Head off heat rash: High temps and humidity may mean heat rash, especially if you're overdressed or prone to sweating a lot. Do your best to keep cool and stay dry, and avoid wearing clothes that rub or irritate your skin. A mild heat rash should go away on its own, but if it's accompanied by swelling, oozing, dizziness, nausea, or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention ASAP, since those symptoms may be signs of an infection or a more serious heat-related illness.


Prevent rosacea: This common skin condition can be exacerbated by heat, causing your face to swell, get red, and break out in little pimples. If you're prone to rosacea, seek refuge in air-conditioning, wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothes, and keep cool by taking cold showers, misting yourself with a spray bottle, and drinking plenty of cold water.


Use these simple strategies for skin care in summer and you'll have the best-looking and the healthiest skin.

Ear Pain Remedy

Ear pain is a very common decease and can occur due to different reasons and it is a very irritating decease. It is common in children and adults and may be due to infection, tonsillitis, sinus infection mumps, tooth infection, etc. Ear can be effected due to the cold weather, very loud sound and traveling also. But the common causes of ear ache are impacted ear wax and ear infection. There are so many ear pain remedies which are useful for all ages. Out of them a few ear pain remedies are given below.

  • Just use a liquid pillow for relief. Take a hot water bag or a bottle and keep it wrapped in a towel, on the pillow. Hold the aching ear on that pillow when sleeping.
  • Mix water and white vinegar with equal amount and drop it into the ear through eyedropper with a cotton swab. This is an effective ear pain remedy.
  • Medicines like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can reduce ear pain.
  • A best ear pain remedy is that drop some hydrogen peroxide in to the ear.
  • The ear pain which is caused by travelling thought airplanes can be controlled by chewing a gum or some sweet candy when flight is going to take off and at the time landing. The chewing activity will help the muscular movement and it will balance the pressure in ear.
  • Please hold a warm pressure against the place where pain is felt in the ear. Just dip a towel in hot water, then squeeze the water off and hold it on the ear. The heat getting from the towel will be giving a quick pain relief. It is also an ear pain remedy

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Yoga Tips

· The time most suitable for Yoga is in the morning before breakfast when the mind is calm and fresh and the movements can be done with ease and vitality.

· The most important things you'll need to get started - as they say - are a big heart and a small ego.

· A person must seek a place of quietude, which is well ventilated, free from dust, insects, unpleasant smell, draught, and moisture. There should be no distraction whatsoever.

· You must empty your bowels and bladder, clean your nostrils and throat of all mucus, consume a glass of lukewarm water and then begin the exercises after 15 minutes.

· Always remember that you should begin with the easy postures and then proceed to the difficult ones. One must follow the graded steps of Yoga.

· In the beginning, all movements should be practiced lightly and you must cease to go further if fatigue shows.

· Yoga must pep up and not impart weariness and despondency.

· Periods of relaxation are advisable if a particular exercise proves to be tiring.

· Yoga trainers recommend a balanced diet (sattwik). There should be an interval of 4 hours between meals.

· The ratio for the composition of meals should be:

§ grains and cereals 30% of the calorific value

§ dairy products 20%

§ vegetables and roots 25%

§ fruits and honey 20%

§ nuts remaining 5%

· Regarding the quantity of food, it should be moderate (mitahara), only that which satisfies one's appetite.

· One should avoid overeating, fasting or eating once a day. Stale or non-nutritious food, you know, is harmful.

· The clothing should be loose and as scanty as possible, because maximum amount of the skin should be exposed to air.

· Form-fitting cotton/Lycra pants and shirts are the best.

· The breathing should be long and deep. The mouth should be closed and inhale and exhale only through the nose.

· Always take a mat of kusa or any other grass or hay for sitting postures.

· For lying postures use a woolen carpet, and spread a clean sheet over it.

· You can check out some other commercial Yoga accessories, like Yoga belt, foam blocks, Yoga pillows and rubber mats.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Summer Skin Care

Sunshine, heat, humidity, and chlorine can do a number on summer skin. For one thing, the sun's rays are particularly strong, so the chances of developing wrinkles, age spots — or even worse, skin cancer — increase. Plus, higher heat and humidity mean more rashes, breakouts, and clogged pores, while chlorine dries out your skin (and your hair!) Hey, don't let these potential downers rain on your summer parade. Follow these summer skin tactics and you'll be good to glow.


Don't skip the moisturizer: Your skin may be less dry these days, but don't banish that moisturizer. Instead, switch to lighter, water-based formulas for both face and body, and swap your heavy eye cream for a lighter serum.


Slather on the sunscreen: Choose products that provide broad-spectrum protection (they block both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays) with a minimum sun protection factor (SPF) of 15. Apply sunscreen liberally (at least a one-ounce shot-glass-size amount) before you go outside; reapply every two hours and always after swimming. And don't let those clouds fool you — apply sunscreen every single day!


Bring on the balm: Lips are susceptible to skin cancer too, so be sure to wear a broad-spectrum sun-protective lip balm with an SPF of at least 15 to keep lips sun-safe and supple.


Switch to summer makeup: Trade liquid foundation for a lighter, mineral-based powder with a minimum SPF of 15. Skip the creamy blush and instead go for a natural-looking glow with a touch of bronzing powder. Use waterproof mascara for streak-free swimming, and ditch that lipstick for a dab of tinted gloss.


Don sun-protective clothing: No need to cover up head to toe, but do consider a long-sleeved shirt, wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses at the beach, at least for part of the day. Remember, tightly woven, darker fabrics are better sun blockers than lightweight, light-hued fabrics, or try clothing especially made for sun protection.


Exfoliate regularly: Sun, sand, sweat, and sunscreen only increase the amount of dead skin cells that build up on your face and body. Slough them off with an exfoliating scrub or loofah a few times each week. (A beautiful bonus: Exfoliating will also help your self-tanner go on more evenly and prevent streaking.)


Head off heat rash: High temps and humidity may mean heat rash, especially if you're overdressed or prone to sweating a lot. Do your best to keep cool and stay dry, and avoid wearing clothes that rub or irritate your skin. A mild heat rash should go away on its own, but if it's accompanied by swelling, oozing, dizziness, nausea, or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention ASAP, since those symptoms may be signs of an infection or a more serious heat-related illness.


Prevent rosacea: This common skin condition can be exacerbated by heat, causing your face to swell, get red, and break out in little pimples. If you're prone to rosacea, seek refuge in air-conditioning, wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothes, and keep cool by taking cold showers, misting yourself with a spray bottle, and drinking plenty of cold water.


Use these simple strategies for skin care in summer and you'll have the best-looking and the healthiest skin.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Health Tips: Dandruff

In the present scenario dandruff is quite a common problem among people. It could appear because of excessive exposure to cold or heat. It could also arise because of stress, chronic constipation, fatigue, using various hair style products, pollution etc.


Dandruff is also popularly known as Pityriasis simplex capillitii as well as scurf. Because dandruff flakes develop over the scalp, which becomes quite embarrassing for us some remedies for dandruff:


ü  Soak a tsp of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water (overnight). Drain the water in the morning & make a fine paste of the seeds. Use it over your affected scalp & allow it to stay for almost 30 minutes. Now use hot water to clean it thoroughly.

ü  You can also use fresh Aloe Vera gel over your scalp. Let it stay for almost 30-40 minutes & then wash it thoroughly.

ü  Take 4-5 tbsp of wheat germ oil (hot) & massage it thoroughly over your scalp. Now use a warm towel to wrap your head & let it stay for almost 30-40 minutes. Now use water to wash it well.

ü  One of the options to get rid of dandruff is tea tree oil. It has anti-fungal properties, which helps to remove the dandruff.  Add a few drops of tea tree oil into your hair oil & massage it well over your affected scalp.

ü  Take the coconut oil & heat it gently. Now massage it over your scalp. Allow it to stay overnight & wash your hair well in the morning. You can do this thrice in a week to get the best result.

ü  Prepare a mixture with 3 parts of water along with 2 parts of cider vinegar. After applying shampoo & rinsing it well, use the mixture for the ultimate wash.

ü  After washing your water take a mug of water & pour a tsp of lime juice into it. Now use the mixture for the ultimate wash for your hair.

ü  Instead of coconut oil you can also use the olive oil to massage your hair & let it stay overnight. Wash your hair thoroughly in the morning.

ü  Beat a ½ cup of yoghurt well & then apply it well over your scalp. Let it stay for almost 30 minutes & then use hot water to wash it well.

ü  Make a mixture of amla juice as well as lime juice (same quantity). Use it over your scalp & let it stay overnight. In the morning wash your hair thoroughly.

ü  Prepare a mixture of fresh lime juice (1 lime), ground black pepper (10 grams) & milk (1/4 cup). Mix it well & gently massage it on your scalp. Keep it for almost 60 minutes & then wash it thoroughly with water.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Health benefits of Corn

Health benefits of corn include controlling diabetes, prevention of heart ailments, lowering hypertension and prevention of neural-tube defects at birth. Corn or maize is one of the most popular cereals in the world and forms the staple food in many countries. It not only provides the necessary calories for daily metabolism, but is a rich source of vitamins A, B, E and many minerals. Its high fibre content ensures that it plays a role in prevention of digestive ailments like constipation and haemorrhoids as well as colorectal cancer. The antioxidants present in corn also act as anti-cancer agents and prevent Alzheimer's.

Health benefits of corn are offered by presence of quality nutrients in it. Also, being rich in phytochemicals, it provides protection against numerous chronic diseases. Following are some of the health benefits of corn.

·          Rich Source of Calories: Corn is a rich source of calories and forms a part of the staple diet among many populations. The calorific content of corn is 342 calories per 100grams, among the highest in cereals.

·          Prevention of Haemorrhoids and Colorectal Cancer: The fibre content of one cup of corn amounts 18.4% of the daily recommended amount. This aids in alleviating digestive problems such as constipation and haemorrhoids, as well as lowering the risk of colon cancer.

·          Rich Source of Vitamins: Corn is rich in vitamin B constituents, especially Thiamin and Niacin. Thiamin is essential for maintaining nerve health and cognitive function. Niacin deficiency leads to Pellagra; a disease characterised by diarrhoea, dementia and dermatitis and is commonly observed in malnourished individuals. Corn is also a good source of Pantothenic acid which is a vitamin necessary for carbohydrate as well as protein and lipid metabolism in the body. Deficiency of folic acid in pregnant women leads to birth of underweight infants and may also result in neural tube defects at birth. Corn provides a large chunk of the daily folate requirement. Yellow corn is a rich source of beta-carotene which forms vitamin A in the body, essential for maintenance of good vision and skin. The kernels of corn are rich in vitamin E, a natural antioxidant essential for growth.

Monday, April 02, 2012

Improve the circulation of blood to the feet

Improve the circulation of blood to the feet

Wear comfortable shoes that fit well. Foot width may increase with age. Always have your feet measured before buying shoes. The upper part of the shoes should be made of a soft, flexible material to match the shape of your foot. Shoes made of leather can reduce the possibility of skin irritations. Soles should provide solid footing and not be slippery. Thick soles lessen pressure on hard surfaces. Low-heeled shoes are more comfortable, safer and less damaging than high-heeled shoes.