Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How to accept Track changes in Microsoft Word 2010?

"Track changes" is wonderful and remarkable tool of Microsoft Word 2010. The feature allows editing your documents without making the changes permanent. It means if you have deleted a word, Track back highlights it, though the word is deleted but until final changes are accepted, it remains there. A track change is very helpful when you are working on draft that needs extra care. For Example you are working your project and you are not sure whether changes you made are right and you want to take your professors/superiors opinion.

Today the world has become global village, now virtual teams sitting in different parts of world are working on same projects. They need to communicate, they suggest prose and finalize things, track changes help them to make changes or send suggestions to other members.

One can delete, add, comment or make formatting changes by using it.


1.     Open desired word document you wish to apply track changes.

2.     Go to Review Tab, under "Tracking" Group, click on track changes. It will change to orange colour, that means feature has "turned on". 



3.     Take the cursor to where you want to save changes and type, you will see colour of the text will different. It means that changes you are making are not permanent.  



4.     Go to "Tracking Group" and click on "Show Markup", choose "Balloons" and Click on your desired settings how you want to show your changes. Either you want to show your changes/Revisions in Balloons, with in your document or show only comments and Formatting in Balloons. 



5.     Go to "Comments" Group, under Review tab, click "New comment" where you want to insert a comment, leave a note or ask question.  



6.     Go to the Review Group, click on the Reviewing pane and choose either vertical or horizontal settings to carefully go through your document. OR go through them one by one by choosing "Next" or "Previous" from "Changes" Group.  


7.     Click on "Accept or Reject" from "Changes Group" to tell programme whether you want to keep or permanently delete a change.  


Go to the "File Menu" and "Save" all changes that you made in your document.

Sore Throat

A sore throat can really get you down, so here are a few things you can use to take away the suffering.
Vinegar can ease the pain. Any type will do but wine vinegar or cider vinegar may taste better. Put a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water. Gargle, and then swallow. Do this 3 times a day until things are on the mend.
Put some warm water in a glass and mix with some salt. Put in your mouth and gargle and spit out. Don't swallow. This should get rid of the soreness.
Take a few almonds and mix them with a couple of teaspoons of honey. Sit down and eat away. This will give the pain of a sore throat nothing to moan about. Honey is a natural pain killer, so are almonds. The almonds will also help to relieve the inflammation.

How to Get Virtual Desktops on Windows XP?

A lot of people prefer multitasking. The best tool for that purpose is virtual desktops. Virtual desktops provide the opportunity to run many desktops at the same time from a desktop computer or laptop. It is very easy to switch among the desktops by just using a button. Every virtual desktop can possess its unique applications as well as a different background.  The feature of virtual desktops is not included in Windows XP by default. However, you can easily get virtual desktops on Windows XP. The means to get virtual desktops on Windows XP is very safe for the computer. All you have to do to get virtual desktops on Windows XP is to use software. This software provides four desktops to use.


In order to get virtual desktops on Windows XP, you have to use the Microsoft PowerToys download page. Follow these simple steps to get the virtual desktops:


 Go to the "Microsoft PowerToys download page".


 Choose DeskMan.exe from the list on the right hand side of the window.  


It will allow you to download the file named DeskmanPowertoySetup.exe. Double-click on the file.    



 Choose the option "Complete" for installing



It will be installed in a very little time. Right click on the taskbar at the bottom of your screen.


Point to Toolbars. You will now see the new option called Desktop Manager.

Click on Desktop Manager.



The desktop manager toolbar will appear:



Every blue button represents a unique desktop. The green button can be used to preview the four virtual desktops.

Right-click on one of the buttons to see the options for configuration.



Success! This is the preview of the virtual desktops:



You just have to click on any of the desktops in the preview screen in order to get that desktop in the front. Virtual desktops can prove to be very useful if you want to divide your recreational applications and your work applications.

Healthy and easy methods to reduce tiredness while at work


•           Keep a good posture by holding your back straight. This might not be possible always, but keep trying and you can do it.

•           Keep moving your body frequently.

•           During the breaks, stretch your body and relax


Here are a few simple exercises that can be followed during work hours


Have a deep seating and Straight up your back. Also Straighten your arms and push down your chair and lift yourself. Now, take deep breaths and Straighten your upper half of the body. Breath for about 5 times. Do this every 40 minutes.


Put your right hand on the back of chair and put your left hand on the right thy, and twist your upper half of the body by applying a little pressure. Move your lower part of the body the other way by breathing out. Do this on both the sides. Breath in while in normal position and breath out while your stretch.


Move to the edge of your seat. Straighten your legs and keep your heels down and toes straight. Bend and move your upper half of the body down as like your navel touch your thigh. You can stop moving down your body as and when you feel. Keep natural breathing while you are bending. Move up slowly. Repeat this 3 times slowly.


Stand up next to a table which is as high as your waist. Stand 1 and half feet away from the table. Put both your hands on the table and open your legs to the breadth of your shoulder. Now slowly straighten your body and legs


Now slowly bend without folding your hands or legs by moving your hip backwards and bringing down your head. You might have to hold your grip properly on the table and rest on your heals. While doing this take deep breaths.


Now after bending, put one of your legs a step forward and stretch further. Do the same for the other leg also?

Heart Health : Do You Know Your Other Heart Health Risk Factors?

Do You Eat What's Best for a Healthy Heart?


Chocolate is bad for your heart. No, it's good. Wine is unhealthy. No, it's healthy. Pack your plate with protein and cut back on bread to lose weight. No...


With all the mixed messages about "good" and "bad" foods in the media, it's not surprising that many people just give up trying to figure out what they should eat. If you're confused, you're not alone.


"Our research has shown that the No. 1 thing people are confused about when it comes to heart health is what the best diet is," says preventive cardiologist Lori Mosca, MD, founder of Columbia University Medical Center's Preventive Cardiology Program and author of Heart to Heart: A Personal Plan for Creating a Heart-Healthy Family. "Every week there's a conflicting research study or a new book that refutes last year's book."


Forget the competing headlines -- the best way to eat heart healthy is to follow national guidelines from organizations like the American Heart Association. "These are established by experts who monitor research, and are not focused on the latest fads and trends. It's actually much simpler than people realize,".


5 Simple Steps to a Heart Healthy Diet


Ready to step up to a diet rich in the healthy nutrients your heart craves? The experts recommend staring here:


·          Eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fiber.

·          Eat fish at least twice a week.

·          Limit how much saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol you eat. Only 30% of your daily calories should come from fat, with very little of that from saturated fats.

·          Select fat-free, 1% fat, and low-fat dairy products.

·          Cut back on foods containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oils to reduce trans fat in your diet.

·          Limit your salt intake.


One way to make sure that your diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, and fiber, and low in saturated fats, is to divide your plate at each meal: half vegetables, 1/4 high-quality protein (like legumes -- terrific sources of protein and great for a healthy heart!), and 1/4 for fish or a very lean meat.

And remember, you should get your nutrients from foods themselves, the antioxidants and other heart-healthy goodies found in foods like blueberries, beans, and artichokes don't pack the same punch when they're not in food form.


And avoid fad diets. "Almost every one may result in short-term weight loss but leave you weighing even more a year later, and preventing weight gain is one of the best ways to prevent developing heart disease risk factors."



A heart-healthy lifestyle is about more than just diet and exercise. The single most dangerous thing you can do to your heart is to smoke. Just by itself, cigarette smoking increases your risk of heart disease, but it also worsens other factors that contribute to heart disease:


·          It increases blood pressure

·          It increases the tendency of blood to clot

·          It decreases levels of HDL -- the good cholesterol


If you smoke a pack a day, you have more than twice the risk of a heart attack than someone who doesn't smoke.

"Every cigarette you cut back matters,". "The goal is always complete cessation, but even eliminating one cigarette a day can make a difference. Start there, and then try to keep going until you've quit altogether."


A big plus: It doesn't take long for your body -- and your heart in particular -- to reap the health benefits of quitting. Twenty minutes after your last cigarette, your heart rate and blood pressure drop. Two weeks to three months later, your circulation and lung function improve. Just one year after quitting, your excess risk of coronary heart disease is just half that of a smoker's.


You may have other risk factors for heart disease that are not on your radar. Anxiety, anger, depression, and social isolation "silent epidemics" that are very prevalent, commonly missed, and potentially dangerous for your heart.


Depression, for example, is very common, and it's very strongly linked to heart disease. "If you or someone you love is depressed or harboring a lot of anger, or seems isolated, encourage them to seek help.  There are many methods to help you deal with these risk factors."

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Avoid Back Pain

·          If you sit in front of a computer screen all day, make sure to sit up straight and keep your feet slightly raised off the floor on a footstool or other low object. Don't sit for long periods; get up and walk around the office or step outside for a break at least every half hour.


·          Wear flat, comfortable shoes. As your stomach grows and your balance shifts, a pair of high heels will only make your posture worse.


·          Always bend from your knees and lift objects and children from a crouching position to minimize the stress on your back. Let someone else lift heavy objects; this is not the time to risk throwing your back out completely.


·          Start an exercise programme early in pregnancy, one that includes stretches that strengthen and stretch muscles that support the back and legs. Don't worry if you're well past your first trimester; you can start a simple stretching routine at any time.


·          Swimming is a particularly good choice for pregnant women because it strengthens your lower back muscles, and the buoyancy of the water takes the strain off your joints and ligaments. Avoid doing breaststroke, though, as this can affect your lower back joint.


·          Stand up straight. This gets harder to do as your body changes, but try to keep your pelvis tucked in and your shoulders back. Pregnant women tend to lean back as their bump grows, which puts more strain on the spine.


Monday, January 07, 2013

Computer Tip: Revert Ownership To TrustedInstaller (applies only to Windows Vista/7 or later )

We sometimes come into cases where we should take ownership of certain System Files. Well, in case of certain system files, some may be already noticed that the default ownership goes to 'TRUSTED INSTALLER'. You also be noticed that after altering the ownership one couldn't revert to the original owner, which is 'TRUSTED INSTALLER' as in this case. We can't even search Trusted Installer as in the normal way too. So now you would ask that, what if we don't reverse the ownership to default values? The answer is simple. The ownership is given to Trusted Installer for security purposes so that the 'Verified Windows Installer' could only change the file but not the Standard Users nor even the Admins. Even though there're viruses which overcome this barrier but it's better to restore the ownership back to normal. No problems, there're two methods. One is lengthy GUI (Graphical User Interface) way & the other, short & sweet CLI (Command Line Interface) way. You are free to choose either one of them according to your tastes.



1.               Right mouse button click on the file and choose Properties.

2.               Click Security tab.

3.               Click Advanced button.

4.               Click Owner tab.

5.               Click Edit button.

6.               Click Other User or Group and type in NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller.

7.               Press Ok on all dialogs until all property dialogs are closed


 CLI Way


icacls "%windir%\winsxs\Catalogs" /setowner "NT Service\TrustedInstaller" /T /C



Extra Snippet...!!

If you want to acquire ownership to yours User Account in an easy way rather than the typical GUI, use CLI tool 'TAKEOWN.exe'.

Usage: TAKEOWN /U username /P password /F filename

For the complete syntax, Type 'TAKEOWN /?' in CMD.

Friday, January 04, 2013

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Read and introspect


NEVER share your secrets with ANYONE…
This can be self-destructive.
NEVER tell your problems to ANYONE…
20% don't care, and
80% are glad that you have them !!
Life is similar to Boxing game..
Defeat is NOT declared when you fall down;
It is declared when you refuse to 'Get Up'!

Sometimes WRONG persons teach RIGHT LESSONS
Everything is valuable only at 2 times:
1. Before getting it; and
2. After losing it !!
Two things bring happiness & success in life:
1. The way you MANAGE when you have nothing, and
2. The way you BEHAVE when you have everything !
Two places are MOST VALUABLE in the world:
1. The NICEST place is to be in someone's Thoughts, and
2. The SAFEST place is to be in someone's Prayers.
One of the greatest victories you can gain over someone
is to beat him at politeness.

Keep your face to the Sun,
And you will not see the shadow!
A Deaf child says: "For all of you, I am deaf;
But for me, all of you are dumb…"
Moral: Life differs in each perspective. Live the way you want to.
Attitude at its best:
My BACK is not a VOICE MAIL..
Kindly say on my FACE.
Ego is the only requirement to destroy any relationship.
Be a bigger person; skip the "E", and let it "go"..!!

One good thing about Egoists:
They don't talk about other people!
Do you know why God didn't give us the gift to read
others' minds?
So that,
We could have the chance to "TRUST",
And privilege to be "TRUSTED"!

As long as we don't forgive people who have hurt us,
We have solutions to all the problems,
When they are not ours !!!

I asked God: "If everything is already written in
Destiny, then WHY should I pray?"
God smiled and said: "I have also written- CONDITIONS APPLY…"!!!

Empty pockets teach millions of things in life…
But full pockets spoil us in million ways !!!
Getting angry is punishing yourself for the mistakes of others!

Trust is like a STICKER.
Once it is removed, it may stick again,
But NOT as strong as it holds when you first applied it..!
Always take care of relations.
Everything about the future is uncertain,
But one thing is sure:
God has already arranged all our tomorrows…
We just have to TRUST HIM TODAY !!
NEVER win people with Arguments, rather defeat with your Smile!
Because people who always wish to Argue with you,
cannot bear your Silence !!!

The search for happiness is one of the main source of
Diplomacy is an art of telling people to go to hell in
such a way that
they tend to ask you for directions..!!
If a drop of water falls on a Lake, its identity is lost;
If it falls on Lotus leaf, it shines like a Pearl.
Drop is the same; but the company matters. 

Our HOPES should be like Hair & Nails.
No matter how many times they get cut,
But they never stop growing.
If you walk the way guided by humans, you will find hopeless end;
& if you walk the way guided by God, you will find endless hope
Memories are always special…
Sometimes we laugh by remembering the days we cried;
And we cry by remembering the days we laughed…!!!
That's Life!
Sea is common for all…
Some take pearls,
Some take fishes,
Some come out just with just wet legs!
World is common to all; what we get, is whet we try for!
Life is very complicated…
When you have standards, people call it ATTITUDE;
When you are simple, people try to CHEAT you; &
When you cheat others, people call you SMART!
To smile without condition,
To walk without intention,
To give without reason, &
To care without expectation,
Are the beauties of any Relation!
All communication problems are because
We don't listen to understand;
We listen to reply…!!!
'There are many languages on earth, Smile speaks them all.' Keep Smiling 
Someone who Cares you to Smile.

Indenting Left and Right Paragraph In MS-Word

The space or distance between the page margin and the text in a paragraph is called indent. These are applied to set the margins of selected paragraph.


In a document, margins determine the overall width of the main text area or in other words, the space between the text and the edge of the page. Indentation determines the distance of a paragraph from either left or right margins. There are six types of indents that can be used in a document. These are:


·          First line indent is the distance between the first line of the paragraph and the left margin.

·          Left indent is the distance between the start of each line of the paragraph and the left margin.

·          Right indent is the distance between the end of each line of the paragraph and the right margin.

·          In hanging indent, the first line of the paragraph is not indented and all other lines start at same distance from the left margin. The first line 'of the paragraph usually starts from the left margin.


To indent a paragraph, follow these steps.


·          Select the Paragraph you want to indent.

·          Select the "Paragraph" command from "Format" drop down menu; "Paragraph" dialog box appears.

·          Specify values in Left and Right fields of indentation and click "Ok" button of dialog box.