Friday, January 15, 2010

[common friends] Makar Sakranti



Makar Sankranti

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Makar Sankranti is one of the most auspicious day for the Hindus, and is celebrated in almost all parts of the country in myriad cultural forms, with great devotion, fervor & gaiety.

Culture & Festivities:

This festival is celebrated differently in different parts of the country.  


Uttar Pradesh:

In Uttar Pradesh, Sankrant is called 'Khichiri'. Taking a dip in the holy rivers on this day is regarded as most auspicious. A big one-month long 'Magha-Mela' fair begins at Prayag (Allahabad) on this occasion. Apart from Triveni, ritual bathing also takes place at many places like Haridvar and Garh Mukteshwar in Uttar Pradesh, and Patna in Bihar.


In Bengal every year a very big Mela is held at Ganga Sagar where the river Ganga is believed to have dived into the nether region and vivified the ashes of the sixty thousand ancestors of King Bhagirath. This mela is attended by a large number of pilgrims from all over the country.

Tamil Nadu:

In Tamil Nadu Sankrant is known by the name of 'Pongal', which takes its name from the surging of rice boiled in a pot of milk, and this festival has more significance than even Diwali. It is very popular particularly amongst farmers. Rice and pulses cooked together in ghee and milk is offered to the family deity after the ritual worship. In essence in the South this Sankrant is a 'Puja' (worship) for the Sun God.

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Andhra Pradesh:

In Andhra Pradesh, it is celebrated as a three-day harvest festival Pongal. It is a big event for the people of Andhra Pradesh. The Telugus like to call it 'Pedda Panduga' meaning big festival. The whole event lasts for four days, the first day Bhogi, the second day sankarati, the third day Kanuma and the fourth day, Mukkanuma.

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In Maharashtra on the Sankranti day people exchange multi-colored tilguds made from til (sesame seeds) and sugar and til-laddus made from til and jaggery. Til-polis are offered for lunch. While exchanging tilguls as tokens of goodwill people greet each other saying – 'til-gul ghya, god god bola' meaning 'accept these tilguls and speak sweet words'. The under-lying thought in the exchange of tilguls is to forget the past ill-feelings and hostilities and resolve to speak sweetly and remain friends.

This is a special day for the women in Maharashtra when married women are invited for a get-together called 'Haldi-Kumkum' and given gifts of any utensil, which the woman of the house purchases on that day.


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In Gujarat Sankrant is observed more or less in the same manner as in Maharashtra but with a difference that in Gujarat there is a custom of giving gifts to relatives. The elders in the family give gifts to the younger members of the family. The Gujarati Pundits on this auspicious day grant scholarships to students for higher studies in astrology and philosophy. This festival thus helps the maintenance of social relationships within the family, caste and community.

Kite flying has been associated with this festival in a big way. It has become an internationally well-known event.

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In Punjab where December and January are the coldest months of the year, huge bonfires are lit on the eve of Sankrant and which is celebrated as "LOHARI". Sweets, sugarcane and rice are thrown in the bonfires, around which friends and relatives gather together. The following day, which is Sankrant, is celebrated as MAGHI. The Punjabi's dance their famous Bhangra dance till they get exhausted. Then they sit down and eat the sumptuous food that is specially prepared for the occasion.

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The 40 days anushthana by the devotees of Ayyappa ends on this day in Sabarimala with a big festival.

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In Bundelkhand and Madhya Pradesh this festival of Sankrant is known by the name 'Sakarat' and is celebrated with great pomp & merriment accompanied by lot of sweets.

Tribals of Orissa:

Many tribals in our country start their New Year from the day of Sankrant by lighting bonfires, dancing and eating their particular dishes sitting together. The Bhuya tribals of Orissa have their Maghyatra in which small home-made articles are put for sale.


In Assam, the festival is celebrated as Bhogali Bihu

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Coastal Region:

In the coastal regions, it is a harvest festival dedicated to Indra.



Ashwin Nagar

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

National Youth Day


National Youth Day



National Youth Day is celebrated in India on 12 January on the birthday of Swami Vivekananda. In 1984, the Government of India declared and decided to observe the birthday of Swami Vivekananda (12 January, according to the English calendar) as a National Youth Day every year from 1985 onwards. To quote from the Government of India's communicatkion, 'it was felt that the philosophy of Swamiji and the ideals for which he lived and worked could be a great source of inspiration for the Indian Youth.'


Words Of Swami Vivekananda:

Children of India , I am here to speak to you today about some practical things, and my object in reminding you about the glories of the past is simply this. Many times have I been told that looking into the past only degenerates and leads to nothing, and that we should look to the future. That is true. But out of the past is built the future. Look back, therefore, as far as you can, drink deep of the eternal fountains that are behind, and after that, look forward, march forward and make India brighter, greater, much higher than she ever was. Our ancestors were great. We must first recall that. We must learn the elements of our being, the blood that courses in our veins; we must have faith in that blood and what it did in the past; and out of that faith and consciousness of past greatness, we must build an India yet greater than what she has been. There have been periods of decay and degradation. I do not attach much importance to them; we all know that. Such periods have been necessary. A mighty tree produces a beautiful ripe fruit. That fruit falls on the ground, it decays and rots, and out of that decay springs the root and the future tree, perhaps mightier than the first one. This period of decay through which we have passed was all the more necessary. Out of this decay is coming the India of the future; it is sprouting, its first leaves are already out; and a mighty, gigantic tree, the Urdhvamula, is here, already beginning to appear; and it is about that that I am going to speak to you.
With the giving up of quarrels all other improvements will come. When the life-blood is strong and pure, no disease germ can live in that body. Our life-blood is spirituality. If it flows clear, if it flows strong and pure and vigorous, everything is right; political, social, any other material defects, even the poverty of the land, will all be cured if that blood is pure. For if the disease germ be thrown out, nothing will be able to enter into the blood.
I do not mean to say that other things are not necessary. I do not mean to say that political or social improvements are not necessary, but what I mean is this, and I want you to bear it in mind, that they are secondary here and that spirituality is primary.

Swami Vivekananda.
(Complete Works Of Swami Viekananda Vol.3)


A few heart-whole, sincere, and energetic men and women can do more in a year than a mob in a century -Swami Vivekananda.  



Monday, January 04, 2010

[common friends] The Best ....Financial Planning !!!!!!!



Dan was a single man living at home with his widowed father
and working in the family business.

When he found out he was going to inherit a fortune
when his sickly father died, he decided he needed to find a wife
with whom to share his fortune.

One evening, at an investment meeting, he spotted the
most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her natural beauty
took his breath away.

"I may look like just an ordinary man," he said to her, "but soon,
my father will die and I will inherit $200 million."

Impressed, the woman asked for his business card and
three days later, she became his stepmother.

Women are so much better at financial planning than man

1. I have created an sms group for the members of yahoo group, Common Friends. We will be sharing good quotes, funny/interesting good messages.

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[common friends] Once Happy New Year 2010 !! Once again, Beautiful one!!


Dear all,


• For all those I've made promises to and never kept - it was not deliberate but I will "improve" in 2010.

• Those that I owe lunches, movies, night out , etc..., I'll fix that as well, I'll make time . For sure.

• For those that have supported me and made me smile through all my hardships...I salute you! halaala.

• For those I've disagreed with, argued with and just never got along with......well, I'm Sorry!!!!!!! Let's try again next year.

• Those that I've hurt.....unintentionally/intentionally....I've already apologized "I'm Sorry" again...

• For those that stuck a knife in my back the past is all forgotten.... forgiveness is the best revenge Maybe!!!

• For those that have let me down.....oh well.... I should have known better

• All the true friends that I have: you Rock!!..Awesome!

• Congratulations to all the new mommies & fathers, newly weds etc..., no funerals please guys

But all in all, you guys have made 2009 a great year; I wish you and your loved ones prosperity, good health, wealth, happiness, greener pastures, abundant blessings,

• And Oh!! a wonderful festive season.

May 2010 be the year you achieve wonderful things in God's guidance and strength.


May God Be With You.........Be Blessed!!!!!!!

| Ashwin Nagar | India +91-9833015352  |  
Success is not permanent and failure is not final

1. I have created an sms group for the members of yahoo group, Common Friends. We will be sharing good quotes, funny/interesting good messages.

If you wish to subscribe to this group, send following sms to 9870807070

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You will receive an sms from group. Just reply the message by writing:
And you will be the member of my SMS group of Common Friends. You can unsubscribe at any point of time by sendin an sms Off AshwinNagar. There is no charge for receiving sms. So  let's Go Mobile.

2. Common Friends Yahoogroup is now on Orkut. If you have an orkut account or gmail account, you can join this group on ORKUT. Click the link below and sign in with your google or orkut account and Join the Group.

http://www.orkut. com/Community. aspx?cmm= 17520312

Have the fun on ORKUT.

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Saturday, January 02, 2010

[common friends] Most romantic rhyme!!



               My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife,

                     Marrying you screwed up my life.


                     I see your face when I am dreaming.

                     That's why I always wake up screaming.


                     Kind, intelligent, loving and hot;

                     This describes everything you are not.


                     I thought that I could love no other --

                     that is until I met your brother.


                     Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you.

                     But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, the sugar bowl's empty

                     and so is your head.


                     I want to feel your sweet embrace;

                     But don't take that paper bag off your face.


                     I love your smile, your face, and your eyes --

                     Damn, I'm good at telling lies!


                     My love, you take my breath away.

                     What have you stepped in to smell this way?


                     My feelings for you no words can tell,

                     Except for maybe 'Go to hell.'


                     What inspired this amorous rhyme?

                     Two parts tequila, one part lime






| Ashwin Nagar | FCA and SAP-FICO\SEM-BCS |
Success is not permanent and failure is not final
Ph: India: +91-98330-15352  US: +1-323-325-4111

Friday, January 01, 2010