Saturday, January 14, 2012

Diet and Exercise Myth

Everybody has their own formula to a fit and robust body. To look at health as 'wholesome' is to follow a program that focuses on all the five dimensions of health- physical, physiological, psychological, emotional and spiritual. A corrective eating pattern and regular physical activity are the two parameters that work in the long run. For your information and awareness, listed below are some of the popular myths and misconceptions concerning diets and exercises:

It is safe to eat fat free foods available in the market. They are calorie free.
Fact: Check all facts on fat free foods by reading the food labels for the serving size and the number of calories per serving. Most of these foods do contain extra sugar, flour and starch thickeners to make them tasty. These ingredients are high in calories and may lead to weight gain. Some people tend to over indulge in such foods with the belief that they are good for dieters.

Stomach Crunches are enough to get rid of your belly fat.
Fact: Spot reduction or choosing areas where you can burn fat from is difficult. In order to burn fat or lose weight you need to create an exercise or workout plan that includes both cardiovascular and strength training exercises. This will not only help decrease your overall body fat content but will also increase flexibility. Specific exercises will help in toning those areas. For wholesome wellness and long term goals address your body in totality and not in a fragmented way.

You should never eat before a workout.
Fact: "Fuel" from food and fluids is required to provide the energy for your muscles to work efficiently, even if you are doing an early morning workout. It is advisable to opt for a small meal or a healthy snack two to three hours prior to exercise. Give your body the necessary 'fuel' for energy by choosing fruit, yogurt, whole wheat toast or unsweetened soy milk Take care not to have heavy meals as too much food just prior to your exercise may cause vomiting, nausea or uneasiness.

Fat is bad for you, no matter what kind.
Fact: Contrary to popular belief, there are plenty of "good fats" that are essential for good health and aid in disease prevention. Not all fat is bad. The good fats contain essential fatty acids like Omega3 and Omega6 fatty acids. The best sources of these fats are flax seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, olive oil, avocado, fish and nuts like almonds, cashew, peanuts etc. These fats help to raise your good cholesterol or HDL. Including small amounts of these foods at meal times can help you to feel full longer and therefore eat less. Fats that contribute towards weight gain are saturated, hydrogenated and processed fats found in all baked foods, biscuits, cookies, cakes, crackers and other fries snacks. These fats also increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease and hypertension.

Lifting weights tend to make women bulky, broad and muscular.
Fact: Women have less muscle fibers as compared to men. Besides, most women do not produce enough testosterone to become 'bulky'. To build large muscles an adequate supply of male hormones (testosterone) in the blood stream is required. Also include yoga, stretches, breathing exercises (pranayam) and meditation for overall wellness.

Restricting calories drastically is the best way to lose weight.
Fact: Regular exercise and reduction in calories contribute towards weight loss, maintenance of lean body mass. Resorting to drastic measures like less than 1200 calories diets and starvation will only lead to loss of energy, stamina and reduced metabolic rates. For long lasting energy and better results eat regular meals at frequent intervals and eliminate 100-300 calories consistently from your daily diet.

As long as you eat healthy foods, you can eat as much as you want.
Fact: This is a misconception! A calorie is a calorie. Although foods like fruits, oats etc are considered healthy, extra helpings will contribute to extra calories. Healthy or otherwise, it is important to be aware of portion sizes. You must limit your caloric intake in order to lose weight. Understanding how to 'balance' calorie intake throughout the day can help you avoid feelings of deprivation, hunger and despair. Include a few cups of green teas and warm water to tide over hunger pangs.

Exercise turns fat into muscle.
Fact: Fat and muscle are two separate tissues and do not have the capability to change from one type of tissue to another. Fat does not turn into 'muscle'. It is possible to lose fat with a dedicated effort which includes diet and exercise and replace it with muscle. Fat by itself cannot turn into muscle.

Eating late at night contributes to excess weight gain.
Fact: There are no specific or ideal hours. Many people believe and associate late-night eating with weight gain mainly because, that's when we have large meals and we end up consuming more calories at night. We do this because it is a common practice to skip meals and thus deprive our bodies of adequate calories during the day. A large meal before bed time especially if it's a high carb meal stimulates insulin which stimulates fat storage. For steady weight loss a light meal at dinner consisting of salads, soups and vegetables are recommended. Avoid foods like breads, pasta, rice, cheese etc.

A good workout requires sweating. The more one sweats the more fat one can lose
Fact: Sweating is not necessarily an indicator of exertion - sweating is your body's way of cooling itself. If you exercise under humid or hot conditions, you will surely sweat profusely and the weight loss recorded at such times only indicates water loss and not fat loss. How much you sweat is certainly not a great measure to see how many calories one is burning. Weight loss is possible only by a sensible, moderate eating plan and quality workouts!

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