Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Top 10 Foods that Helps you to Snooze

It is a fact that what you eat affects your sleep. One can enjoy the sleep when their Brain is also at complete rest.

If you change the diet, you can sleep peacefully for a longer time till the sun rises. Here are some foods that contribute to the restful sleep. The foods that contribute to the sleep are known as sleepers.

Some foods make an individual calm, some makes relax and some wake up the Nervous System. The troubling events are mostly the cause of sleepless nights. When nothing else works than the people think about the foods that can make them sleep. The foods containing high Sugar can cause indigestion and it interrupts with the Hormones that affect sleep.

The researcher Ritika Samadda, Regional Head, Diabetics at Max Healthcare in New Delhi says that anyone who is suffering from difficulty in sleeping, waking up too early could be suffering from Insomnia. It is a medical condition that can range from Medical conditions to irregular eating habits.

Don't rely on pills for the sleep rather go for eating right food that may help you to enjoy tight sleep.

The chemical Tryptophan is present in the foods; it is a raw material that Brain uses to release the sleep Hormones. Serotonin and Melatonin are the sleep Hormones. The higher level of Serotonin produces sound sleep.


Here are 10 best snooze foods that may give you sound sleep


ü  Warm Milk

The old wives say that a glass of Milk can give you better sleep. It can help in the inducing sound sleep because it contains Tryptophan, Which creates the sleeping-Hormones. Almost all the dairy products are rich in Tryptophan.


ü  Whole Wheat products

Whole Wheat products contain Magnesium, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 in it. All these nutrients are the sleep friendly nutrients.


ü  Vegetables

All the Vegetables are rich in Tryptophan. So, they can also contribute to bring the peaceful sleep. One should incorporate them in the Day's and Night's Meal. A study shows that Vegetables like Lettuce, Spinach, Broccoli and Kale contains Vitamins fights against Stress and induces peaceful sleep.


ü  Carbohydrate Foods

The Carbohydrate foods can breakdown early during the process of Digestion and they have higher ranking of Glycemic. These foods can make you fall asleep earlier by speeding up the release of Tryptophan, The chemicals which promote Sleep.


ü  Bananas

Bananas are rich in Potassium and Magnesium. It helps to relax the muscles and gives a peaceful night sleep.
Bananas also help to lower the Blood Pressure while sleeping.


ü  Popcorn with Cheese

Popcorn with Cheese is a good combination of Carbohydrates and Dairy. Dairy contains Tryptophan in it, which helps in releasing sleep Hormones and the Carbohydrates in the Popcorn helps to absorb the Tryptophan from Brain.


ü  Top your Salads with the Chia Seeds

The Chia Seeds contain sleep inducing nutrient known as Amino Acid. It raises the level of Melatonin and Serotonin in the Blood that enhances stable sleep. Just 2 ounces of Chia Seeds helps you to snooze for a longer time.


ü  Tart Cherry Juice

Tart Cheery Juice is rich in Melatonin, a sleep Hormone that regulates the sleeping patterns. Drink this juice, an 8 ounces in the Morning and 2 hours before going to bed at Night. To get full benefit of this drink, try to take it at the scheduled time every day.


ü  Turkey Burger with Spinach on Whole Wheat Bun

It is a best Meal for perfect sleep. The Turkey Meat contains Tryptophan in it. It not only contains the Tryptophan, it also creates the Serotonin, which helps to regulate the sleep. The Spinach contains Iron in it, which is known for the relief of symptoms of restless leg.


ü  Valerian Tea With Honey

A cup of Valerian Tea with Honey before going to bed is an old trend. This Tea contains Natural compounds that help to decrease the amount of time taken to fall asleep. The Glucose in Honey helps to relax while sleeping.


The above mentioned are the few foods that helps in enjoying peaceful sleep. Try to avoid eating late at night; it is not a good habit because it forces your body and Brain to digest instead of taking rest. Avoid eating 3 hours before going to bed at night.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Make your Outlook Inbox Colorful for differentiating To and CCed mails

Microsoft outlook has a feature called Automatic Formatting which lets you color items in Inbox by setting the Rule  ,making emails easier to view.


e.g. I receive 1000s of mails in my outlook Inbox in a day and I don't know which of them includes me in To with others, only myself in To or in CC list. Below tip can help you to set Color rule to easily identify.


Go to Tools à Organize


Click on Using Colors tab



Click on Automatic Formatting button at top right corner to customize the rule: click on Add to create a rule. E.g. in this case rule is created to view emails including myself in To list with other people (rule name-To with others).



Click on condition to define the rule and set the color. You can use different options in "Where I am" section. In this example used as "on the To line with other people".  Look for more options in other sections like More Choices and Advanced to streamline filtration criteria further.




Once rule is defined, click on Font section , to set color of all the emails as per rule .





Click on OK to enable this formatting rule and it will change color of all existing emails accordingly.


Click on  button to come out of organizer tool.


This feature includes:


The formatting is not applied directly to the item and will be "lost" if you move the item to a new folder or change the view.

You can easily restore the colors by applying the view to the folder

Windows 7 search Tips

Windows 7 search Tips

Use Boolean operators to fine-tune your Windows search
You can use the three common Boolean operators namely: AND, OR, NOT within your search queries. All you have to keep in mind is to use them in uppercase whenever you are planning to use them as Boolean operators or else they will be considered as a search term too.
For example, make or use would return items which have all the three terms make or and use where as make OR use would return items with makeuse or both make and use.

Use Wildcards:

Wildcards are pretty much a regular feature when it comes to doing a Windows search. Yes I am referring to the stars and the question marks. However, did you know that you can combine wildcard searches with other search operators and queries to narrow your search? Let's view an example:
Suppose you have an MP3 file and a Word document both named "vocabulary" and suppose you need to find the MP3. You can then use the query "*.mp3 vocabulary" to get to your file.

Search by file kind

The above can be useful when looking for specific file types. What if you want to search within all documents that is doc, docx, xls, pdf and the like? Well you use the kind: operator. Use kind:doc to search within documents, kind:contacts to search for contacts and kind:E-mailto search within emails. You can find the complete list by typing kind: in the search box.

Use quotes for exact matches
As you would do with a Google query, you enclose your query within quotes to find an exact match. As an example, if you search for make use of, the search will return items that contain make, use and of anywhere in any order. On the other hand, if you enclose these terms within quotes then search will return items having the exact phrase make use of.

Use the size operator to impose a condition on file size

You can use size: > 50 to search for files larger than size 50 KB, append a unit and you can search for file larger than 50 MB like so – size: >50MB. In addition to this, you can also usesize: mediumsize: large and other such operators to fine tune your search. As always, you can combine other criterias with size operator to narrow down the Windows search results.

Launch files using search

You most likely know and use the Start menu's search to good effect. However, a lot of people use the arrow keys or the mouse after typing in a keyword. If you observe carefully, Windows automatically highlights the first entry in the search results, so if you hit enter at the point the first item is invoked. The key lies in coming up with clever queries that would allow you to launch applications or perform required actions. For example, if you want to launch Photoshop, you will do a lot better if you start with photo.. rather than Adobe.. So simply typing something like photo and hitting Enter would launch Photoshop. Same would be true for media – to launch Windows Media Player. The results would of course vary depending upon what programs you have installed

Search by file properties
You can also search by file properties like author, title, date, status, keywords, etc. from within the search box. Then there are special properties that are available for certain file types like the birthday: operator available for contacts, hasattachment: available for emails. You can find a complete list here.

10 things to help you get a good night's sleep


·    Have and stick to a regular bedtime and wake up schedule. Try to go to bed and get up about the same time each night and morning.

·    Make sure the time that you set for your bedtime, is a time in which you are sleepy.

·    Do not go to bed too soon or you may have trouble falling asleep or your sleep may be restless.

·    Do not nap. Napping can disrupt normal sleep cycles. Try skipping your nap and see if your regular sleep patterns improve.

·    Make your bedroom a "quiet" room. Do not watch television in your bedroom. Use it for sleeping or quiet reading.

·    Establish relaxing before-bed routines. Take a bath, drink a glass of warn milk, or do some light reading before bedtime.

·    Develop relaxation techniques. Learn yoga, deep breathing, quiet mediation or listen to soft music while trying to fall asleep.

·    Avoid troubling news right before bed. Violence in newspapers or on television may bother some people making it difficult to fall asleep. Try reading a book instead.

·    Avoid stimulants. Do not use stimulants or drink things that contain caffeine(tea, coffee, cola etc.) 6 hours before bedtime.

·    Do not use alcohol or tobacco products close to bedtime. Use of these products may calm you at the time of use, but they can have disrupting effects on your sleep during the night.

·    Exercise regularly. Regular activity helps the body and mind healthy, but be sure to avoid vigorous exercise right before bedtime.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Applying Formula in a Table in Word File

Microsoft Word also allows you to perform calculations in the table by using a mathematical formula. The "Formula" command is used from Table menu to insert a formula into the cell of a table. A formula is an expression that contains any combination of numbers, references of table cells, operators and functions etc. Word inserts the result of the calculation as a field in the cell you selected. The elements of a formula are:

Operators      The basic arithmetic operators that are used in formula are:
  •  "+" used for addition.
  •  "-" used for subtraction.
  • "*" used for multiplication.
  • "/" used for division. 
  • "A" used for exponential power.

Functions    The important functions that are used in table cells are:
  • AVERAGE()    Returns the average of a list of values.
  • MIN()    Returns the smallest value in a list.
  • SUM()    Returns the sum of a list of values.
  •  MAX()    Returns the largest value in a list.
  • PRODUCT()    Returns the result of multiplication of list of values. For example, the function.
              = PRODUCT (1, 3, 7, and 9) returns the v 189.

Table Reference
Table cells are referenced as Al, A2, Bl, B2, and so on, by using the letter representing a column and the number representing a row. A table is given below with cell references.

       A            B           C










To use cell references in formulas, use a comma to separate references of individual cells and a colon 10 separate the references of first and last cells in a designated range as shown in the following examples.

To calculate average of cells data, the cell reference can be written as:
=average (bl: b3) =average (al: b2)
=average (al: c2)   =average (al, a3, c2)

You can also use the following references in the function.

LEFT: reference to all cells to the left side of the selected cell. 
RIGHT: reference to all cells to the right side of the selected cell.
ABOVE: reference to all cells above the selected cell.
BELOW: reference to all cells below the selected cell.

For example, to calculate the sum of values of all cells above the elected cell, the formula is written as:  = SUM (ABOVE).
Similarly, to calculate the average value of values of all cells located to the left side of selected cell, the formula is written as: = AVERAGE (LEFT)

To perform calculations in a table, follow these steps.
  • Click the cell in which you want to display the result.
  • On the Table menu click Formula, "Formula" dialog box appears.
  • From the Paste function box, select a function. For example, SUM function to calculate the sum of numbers.
  • To use the contents of table cells, type the cell references in the parentheses in the formula. For example, to add the numbers in cells Al and B4, the formula is written as: = SUM (al, b4)
  • Select other options from the dialog box if required and then click "Ok" button to complete the operation.

Friday, February 03, 2012

Tips for healthy eyes......

Tips for healthy eyes......


·   To clean your eyes thoroughly, wash them with cold water. Splash water into your eyes for best results.

·    If your eyes are strained, soak cotton balls in chilled water or milk, and keep one on each eye for 10 minutes.

·    Consume a diet rich in vitamin A.

·    For treating dark circles around the eyes, cut slices of cucumber or potato, and keep them on your eyes for 15 minutes.

·    To clean your eyes thoroughly, wash them with cold water. Splash water into your eyes for best results.

·    If your eyes are strained, soak cotton balls in chilled water or milk, and keep one on each eye for 10 minutes.

·    Consume a diet rich in vitamin A.

·    For treating dark circles around the eyes, cut slices of cucumber or potato, and keep them on your eyes for 15 minutes.