Sunday, September 30, 2012

Yoga for Weight Reduction

Yoga is an effective way to gain and maintain a healthy body. Yoga is said to be the best way of weight reduction because it has no side effects on your body. It won't make you anorexic or ultra slim. It is simply meant to proportionate your body weight in accordance to your height and lifestyle. The mechanism of Yoga in your body is simple yet extremely effective. It acts on the metabolism of your body as well as on your fat cells. The deep breathing in Yoga increases the oxygen intake to the cells of your body, including the fat cells which burn in contact of oxygen. Apart from this yoga makes one overcome from anxiety which is the major reason for overeating. Some of the Yoga asana also helps in weight control through stimulating lethargic thyroid glands for increasing their hormonal secretions, thus reducing weight.

Weight reduction through Yoga

What to do
  • There are various Yoga asana like Paschimottanasana, Bhujangasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, Veerasana, Trikonasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana which are specially meant for weight reduction. Following few of them regularly will certainly help you lose flab.
  • Incase you are a thyroid patient and you have abnormally gained weight. You must go for Sarvangasana and Matasyasana for checking on the hormonal secretion of your thyroid gland.
  • Regular Yoga asana done with Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar) is also very helpful in weight reduction.
  • Regularly practicing Pranayamas for example Kapalabhatti, Anuloma-Viloma and Bhastrika not only help in weight reduction but equally helps in achieving a better muscle tone and endurance.
  • Other than the regular practice of the Yoga, you must abide rules of eating healthy and fat free meal.
  • Kriyas for cleaning the body namely Vaman Dhauti, and Shanka Prakshalana also help immensely in weight reduction.
What not to do
  • Do not relish on junk food and carbonated drinks.
  • Do not eat on irregular timings at irregular interval.
  • Do not consume anything between two major meals. Also maintain a time difference of 4 hours two major meals.
  • Do not break your regularity of Yoga.

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