Friday, October 05, 2012

9 Health Benefits of Cheese

1.     Cheese is great for your teeth. Cheese is a food that is rich in calcium. Calcium is something that you need if you are going to have good, strong, healthy teeth. Cheese has been shown to reduce plaque and to stimulate saliva which helps to keep the mouth clean. If you dread going to the dentist because you don't want to hear that your teeth are getting bad then you might want to think about how cheese can help you out! (Of course, you do still have to brush and floss!!)

2.     Cheese is even better for your bones. For the same reason that cheese is great for your teeth, it's also great for your bones. Getting enough calcium means that you'll have strong, healthy bones. It may prevent osteoporosis and other bone problems associated with aging.

3.     Cheese helps pregnancy go more smoothly. Calcium-rich foods like cheese are great for pregnant women. One of the biggest benefits is that it can help stimulate contractions when it's time for the baby to come. It also helps to create proper milk production in the body to help feed the baby once it is born.

4.     Cheese can reduce problems associated with PMS. Women who aren't pregnant may find that cheese is good for them when their time of month comes around. That's because the calcium in cheese can prevent or reduce some of the symptoms associated with PMS.

5.     Cheese may be good for your skin. Cheese is a product that contains B vitamins. B vitamins are good for maintaining supple, healthy, glowing skin. You won't automatically get good skin because you eat cheese but it's one benefit to consider when including cheese in your diet.

6.     Cheese might prevent cancer. There are a lot of studies going on through which people are trying to determine how to prevent cancer. One thing that seems to be true is that CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) may be a product that prevents cancer. Cheese contains CLA. Also, cheese may specifically help to prevent colon cancer due to its high calcium content.

7.     Cheese is good for people who suffer from migraine headaches. Getting enough calcium has been shown to reduce the problems that people have with migraines. Cheese, as has been noted here, is a terrific source of that calcium.

8.     Cheese can boost your immune system. Eating certain types of cheese has been found to actually have a positive effect on the immune system. This prevents many forms of illness and disease.

9.     Cheese is a leading product for people who need to gain weight. One of the reasons that cheese has a bad reputation as an unhealthy food is because it is a high-fat food and eating a lot of it can lead to weight gain. However, some people need to gain weight. Maybe you're an athlete that needs to bulk up or perhaps you're getting older and being too thin is starting to become dangerous for your health. Either way, cheese can be good for you. Of course, you need to eat in properly as part of a balanced diet and a lifestyle that includes exercise.

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