Monday, October 03, 2016

रिद्धि दे सिद्धि दे अष्ट नव निद्धि द

" रिद्धि दे सिद्धि दे अष्ट नव निद्धि दे,
वंश में वृद्धि दे बाकबानी,
ह्रदय में ज्ञान दे चितमें ध्यान दे अभय वरदान दे शंभूरानी ,
दुःख को दूर कर सुख भरपुर कर आश संपूर्ण कर दास जानी ,
सज्जन सो हित दे कुटुंब में प्रीत दे जग में जीत दे श्री भवानी."
या देवी सर्वभूतेषु बुद्धिरुपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्ये नमस्तस्ये नमस्तस्येनमो नम: ।।

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Nokia Kodak disappearef without any fault

In 1998, Kodak had 170,000 employees and sold 85% of all photo paper worldwide.  Within just a few years, their business model disappeared and they went bankrupt.

What happened to Kodak will happen in a lot of industries in the next 10 years - and most people don't see it coming.

Did you think in 1998 that 3 years later you would never take pictures on paper film again? Yet digital cameras were invented in 1975. The first ones only had 10,000 pixels, but followed Moore's law. So as with all exponential technologies, it was a disappointment for a long time, before it became way superior and got mainstream in only a few short years.

It will now happen with Artificial Intelligence, health, autonomous and electric cars, education, 3D printing, agriculture and jobs.

Welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Welcome to the Exponential Age.

Software will disrupt most traditional industries in the next 5-10 years.

Uber is just a software tool, they don't own any cars, and are now the biggest taxi company in the world.

Airbnb is now the biggest hotel company in the world, although they don't own any properties.

Artificial Intelligence : Computers become exponentially better in understanding the world. This year, a computer beat the best Go player in the world, 10 years earlier than expected.

In the US, young lawyers already don't get jobs. Because of IBM Watson, you can get legal advice (so far for more or less basic stuff) within seconds, with 90% accuracy compared with 70% accuracy when done by humans. So if you study law, stop immediately. There will be 90% fewer lawyers in the future, only specialists will remain.

Watson already helps nurses diagnosing cancer, 4 times more accurate than human nurses.

Facebook now has a pattern recognition software that can recognize faces better than humans.

By 2030, computers will become more intelligent than humans.Autonomous Cars:

In 2018 the first self-driving cars will appear for the public. Around 2020, the complete industry will start to be disrupted. You don't want to own a car anymore. You will call a car with your phone, it will show up at your location and drive you to your destination. You will not need to park it, you only pay for the driven distance and can be productive while driving.

Our kids will never get a driver's license and will never own a car. It will change the cities, because we will need 90-95% fewer cars for that. We can transform former parking space into parks. 1.2 million people die each year in car accidents worldwide.

We now have one accident every 100,000 km, with autonomous driving that will^ drop to one accident in 10 million km. That will save a million lives each year.

Most car companies may become bankrupt. Traditional car companies try the evolutionary approach and just build a better car, while tech companies (Tesla, Apple, Google) will do the revolutionary approach and build a computer on wheels. I spoke to a lot of engineers from Volkswagen and Audi; they are completely terrified of Tesla.

Insurance Companies will have massive trouble because without accidents, the insurance will become 100x cheaper. Their car insurance business model will disappear.

Real estate will change. Because if you can work while you commute, people will move further away to live in a more beautiful neighborhood. Electric cars won’t become mainstream until 2020. Cities will be less noisy because all cars will run on electric.

Electricity will become incredibly cheap and clean: Solar production has been on an exponential curve for 30 years, but you can only now see the impact. Last year, more solar energy was installed worldwide than fossil. The price for solar will drop so much that all coal companies will be out of business by 2025.With cheap electricity comes cheap and abundant water.

Desalination now only needs 2kWh per cubic meter. We don't have scarce water in most places, we only have scarce drinking water. Imagine what will be possible if anyone can have as much clean water as he wants, for nearly no cost.

Health: There will be companies that will build a medical device (called the "Tricorder" from Star Trek) that works with your phone, which takes your retina scan, your blood sample and you breathe into it. It then analyses 54 biomarkers that will identify nearly any disease. It will be cheap, so in a few years everyone on this planet will have access to world class medicine, nearly for free.

3D printing: The price of the cheapest 3D printer came down from $18,000 to $400 within 10 years. In the same time, it became 100 times faster.

All major shoe companies started 3D printing shoes.

Spare airplane parts are already 3D printed in remote airports.

The space station now has a printer that eliminates the need for the large number of spare parts they used to have in the past.

At the end of this year, new smart phones will have 3D scanning possibilities. You can then 3D scan your feet and print your perfect shoe at home.

In China, they already 3D printed a complete 6-storey office building. By 2027, 10% of everything that's being^ produced will be 3D printed.

Business Opportunities: If you think of a niche^ you want to go in, ask yourself: "in the future, do you think we will have that?" and if the answer is yes, how can you make that happen sooner? If it doesn't work with your phone, forget the idea.

And any idea designed for success in the 20th century is doomed in to failure in the 21st century.

Work: 70-80% of jobs will disappear in the next 20 years. There will be a lot of new jobs, but it is not clear if there will be enough new jobs in such a small time.

Agriculture: There will be a $100 agricultural robot in the future. Farmers in 3rd world countries can then become managers of their field instead of working all days on their fields. Agroponics will need much less water.

The first Petri dish produced veal is now available and will be cheaper than cow-produced veal in 2018. Right now, 30% of all agricultural surfaces is used for cows. Imagine if we don't need that space anymore.

There are several startups that will bring insect protein to the market shortly. It contains more protein than meat. It will be labeled as "alternative protein source" (because most people still reject the idea of eating insects).

There is an app called "moodies" which can already tell in which mood you are.

Until 2020 there will be apps that can tell by your facial expressions if you are lying. Imagine a political debate where it's being displayed when they are telling the truth and when not.

Bitcoin will become mainstream this year and might even become the default reserve currency.

Longevity: Right now, the average life span increases by 3 months per year. Four years ago, the life span used to be 79 years, now it's^ 80 years. The increase itself is increasing and by 2036, there will be more than one year increase per year. So we all might live for a long long time, probably way more than 100.

Education: The cheapest smart phones are already at $10 in Africa and Asia. Until 2020, 70% of all humans will own a smart phone. That means, everyone has the same access to world class education.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


According to ancient history, a grouping of seven islands comprising Colaba, Mazagaon, Old Woman's Island, Wadala, Mahim, Parel, and Matunga-Sion formed a part of the kingdom of Ashoka the Great of Magadh, ironically in North India .
The seven islands of Mumbai passed through many hands, the sultans of Gujarat , the Portuguese and the British. Every ruler left behind proof of residence in Mumbai.
The Mauryans left behind the Kanheri, Mahakali and the caves of Gharapuri more popularly called Elephanta. The sultans of Gujarat built the Dargahs at Mahim and Haji Ali, the Portuguese built the two Portuguese churches, one at Prabhadevi and the other St Andrews at Bandra.
They built forts at *Sion, Mahim, Bandra and Bassien*. The Portuguese named the group of seven Islands *Bom Baia*, _Good Bay_ . The British built a city out of the group of seven islands and called her Bombay .
The original settlers of the seven islands, the Koli fishermen, worshiped Mumbaidevi, her temple still stands at Babulnath near Chowpatty. The Kolis called the island Mumbai, 'Mumba, Mother Goddess'.
In 1662, King Charles II of England married the Portuguese Princess Catherine of Braganza, and received the seven islands of Bom Baia as part of his dowry. Six years later, the British Crown leased the seven islands to the English East India Company for a sum of 10 pounds in gold per annum. It was under the English East India Company that the future megapolis began to take shape, after the first war for independence Bombay once again became a colony of the British Empire .
History has forgotten this but the first Parsi settler came to Bombay in 1640, he was Dorabji Nanabhoy Patel. In 1689-90, a severe plague epidemic broke out in Bombay and most of the European settlers succumbed to it. The Siddi of Janjira attacked in full force. Rustomji Dorabji Patel, a trader and the son of the city's first Parsi settler, successfully defeated the
Siddi with the help of the Kolis and saved Bombay .
Gerald Aungier, Governor of Bombay built the Bombay Castle , an area that is even today referred to as Fort. He also constituted the Courts of law. He brought Gujarati traders, Parsi shipbuilders, Muslim and Hindu manufacturers from the mainland and settled them in Bombay .
It was during a period of four decades that the city of Bombay took shape. Reclamation was done to plug the breach at Worli and Mahalakshmi, Hornby Vellard was built in 1784. The Sion Causeway connecting Bombay to Salsette was built in 1803. Colaba Causeway connecting Colaba island to Bombay was built in 1838. A causeway connecting Mahim and Bandra was built in 1845.
Lady Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy, the wife of the First Baronet Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy donated Rs 1, 57,000 to meet construction costs of the causeway. She donated Rs. 1,00,000 at first.. When the project cost escalated and money ran out half way through she donated Rs 57,000 again to ensure that the vital causeway was completed. Lady Jamsetjee stipulated that no toll would ever be charged for those using the causeway. Today Mumbaikars have to pay Rs 75 to use the Bandra-Worli Sealink, connecting almost the same two islands. Sir J J Hospital was also built by Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy.
The ship building Wadia family of Surat was brought to Bombay by the British. Jamshedji Wadia founded theBombay Port Trust and built the Princess Dock in 1885 and the Victoria Dock and the Mereweather Dry Docks in 1891. Alexandra Dock was built in 1914.
A Gujarati civil engineer supervised the building of the Gateway of India . The Tatas made Bombay their headquarters and gave it the iconic Taj Mahal Hotel and India 's first civilian airlines, Air India . The Godrejs gave India its first vegetarian soap.
Cowasji Nanabhai Daver established Bombay 's first cotton mill, 'The Bombay Spinning Mills' in 1854. By 1915, there were 83 textile mills in Bombay largely owned by Indians.
This brought about a financial boom in Bombay . Although the mills were owned by Gujaratis, Kutchis, Parsis and Marwaris, the workforce was migrant Mahrashtrians from rural Maharashtra . Premchand Roychand, a prosperous Gujarati broker founded the Bombay Stock Exchange. Premchand Roychand donated Rs 2,00,000 to build the Rajabai Tower in 1878.
Muslim, Sindhi and Punjabi migrants have also contributed handsomely to Mumbai.
Apart from its original inhabitants, the Kolis, everyone else in Mumbai, are immigrants, so there is no valid justification for any single Community to call others outsiders or immigrants and vitiate the Cosmopolitan Character of this Great City ! We are all Indians First & Mumbaikers afterwards please !

Monday, August 29, 2016

Rama & Krishna - managerial styles

Rama & Krishna - managerial styles
What's your managerial style: like Lord Ram or Lord Krishna? Nice one... Read on..

In Hindu mythology there are two great epics. One is called Ramayan and other is called Mahabharata. The centre story of both these books is around victory of good on evil. In one story Lord Ram leads his army to defeat Ravana in his land,
While in the second Lord Krishna oversees Pandavas defeat Kauravas in the battle at Kurushektra.

In Ramayan, Lord Ram is the best yodhaa of his side.
He leads his army from the front. Strategizes & directs different people to do things which will meet the objectives. His people are happy to follow orders & want to get all the appreciation for being the best executors. Lord Ram set direction & also tells people what to do during difficult times.

Ultimately they won the war & the final outcome was achieved.

On the other hand Lord Krishna told Arjuna, I won't fight the battle. I won't pick up any weapon; I would only be there on ur chariot as a charioteer. And he did what he said. He never picked up the weapon & he never fought.

Still, Pandavas won the war & final outcome was achieved.

So, what was different? It was their managerial style & it was also the type of people who were being lead.
Lord Ram was leading an army of 'MONKEYS' who were not skilled fighters & they were looking for direction. While on other hand,

Lord Krishna was leading Arjuna who was one of the best archer of his time. While Lord Ram's role was to show it & lead from the front,

Krishna played the role of a coach whose job was to remove cobwebs from his protégée's mind. Krishna couldn't teach Arjuna archery but he could definitely help him see things from a very different perspective.

Here are some of the basic differences in two styles:
Lord Ram- A skilled warrior, lead monkeys, was emotional, gave precise roles & instructions, motivated the army to fight for his cause

Lord Krishna: works with best the professionals, provides strategic clarity, allows team members to take lead, fights for the cause of the team, did not depict his true emotions

Look at ur team/family & reflect what type of leader/parent u are, One who keeps answering/solving problems for people/kids Or Who asks relevant questions from their people/kids so that they can find their own solution.

Are u someone who tells/directs all the time Or
Someone who clarifies doubts & allows their people/kids to find their own ways.

Are u someone who has monkeys in the team & the way u deal with it Or u have the brightest experts in their area getting stuck with issues?

Younger generation doesn't want you to tell or show how things are done, they want to know the meaning of their task and how it makes a difference in this world.

They are Arjuna's who don't necessarily seek more skill/knowledge but they need someone to clarify the cobwebs in their mind, if u still apply Lord Ram's style on them, u are bound to fail as a manager.

On the other hand if there are people who aren't skilled enough but rely on ur expertise to sail u through Lord Ram's style is appropriate.

Isn't it good for us to reflect & think what managerial style will bring the best result for u and ur team/family ?

Is it Lord Ram or Lodrd Krishna?

The Managing Leader vs the Coaching Leader!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

नमस्ते सदा वत्सले मातृभूमे

नमस्ते सदा वत्सले मातृभूमे
त्वया हिन्दुभूमे सुखं वर्धितोहम् ।
महामङ्गले पुण्यभूमे त्वदर्थे
पतत्वेष कायो नमस्ते नमस्ते ।।१।।

प्रभो शक्तिमन् हिन्दुराष्ट्राङ्गभूता
इमे सादरं त्वां नमामो वयम्
त्वदीयाय कार्याय बध्दा कटीयं
शुभामाशिषं देहि तत्पूर्तये ।
अजय्यां च विश्वस्य देहीश शक्तिं
सुशीलं जगद्येन नम्रं भवेत्
श्रुतं चैव यत्कण्टकाकीर्ण मार्गं
स्वयं स्वीकृतं नः सुगं कारयेत् ।।२।।

परं साधनं नाम वीरव्रतम्
तदन्तः स्फुरत्वक्षया ध्येयनिष्ठा
हृदन्तः प्रजागर्तु तीव्रानिशम् ।
विजेत्री च नः संहता कार्यशक्तिर्
विधायास्य धर्मस्य संरक्षणम् ।
परं वैभवं नेतुमेतत् स्वराष्ट्रं
समर्था भवत्वाशिषा ते भृशम् ।।३।।
।। भारत माता की जय ।।

Friday, August 12, 2016

FIR based on FaceBook comment quashed

May be useful for those who use these( FACEBOOK)

2015 (7) SCC 423

(Supreme Court)

Manik Taneja & another - Vs- State of Karnataka & another

Facebook Postings against police - Criticising Police on Police's Official Face book Page - F.I.R Lodged by Police

HELD - Facebook is a Public Forum - it Facilitates Expression of Public Opinion- Posting of One's Grievance Against Government Machinery Even on Government Facebook Page does not by itself Amount to Criminal Offence -
F. I.R. Quashed.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

जानिए आरती के बाद क्यों बोलते हैं कर्पूरगौरं मंत्र

किसी भी मंदिर में या हमारे घर में जब भी पूजन कर्म होते हैं तो वहां कुछ मंत्रों का जप अनिवार्य रूप से किया जाता है, सभी देवी-देवताओं के मंत्र अलग-अलग हैं, लेकिन जब भी आरती पूर्ण होती है तो यह मंत्र विशेष रूप से बोला जाता है l

*कर्पूरगौरं मंत्र :*

*कर्पूरगौरं करुणावतारं संसारसारं भुजगेन्द्रहारम्। सदा वसन्तं हृदयारविन्दे भवं भवानीसहितं नमामि।।*

*ये है इस मंत्र का अर्थ :*

*इस मंत्र से शिवजी की स्तुति की जाती है। इसका अर्थ इस प्रकार है :*

*कर्पूरगौरं-* कर्पूर के समान गौर वर्ण वाले।

*करुणावतारं-* करुणा के जो साक्षात् अवतार हैं।

*संसारसारं-* समस्त सृष्टि के जो सार हैं।

*भुजगेंद्रहारम्-*  जो सांप को हार के रूप में धारण करते हैं।

*सदा वसंतं हृदयारविन्दे भवंभवानी सहितं नमामि-*  जो शिव, पार्वती के साथ सदैव मेरे हृदय कमल में निवास करते हैं, उनको मेरा नमन है।

*मंत्र का पूरा अर्थ :-*

जो कर्पूर जैसे गौर वर्ण वाले हैं, करुणा के अवतार हैं, संसार के सार हैं और भुजंगों का हार धारण करते हैं, वे भगवान शिव माता भवानी सहित मेरे ह्रदय में सदैव निवास करें और उन्हें मेरा नमन है।

*यही मंत्र क्यों….*

किसी भी देवी-देवता की आरती के बाद कर्पूरगौरम् करुणावतारं….मंत्र ही क्यों बोला जाता है, इसके पीछे बहुत गहरे अर्थ छिपे हुए हैं। भगवान शिव की ये स्तुति शिव-पार्वती विवाह के समय विष्णु द्वारा गाई हुई मानी गई है। अमूमन ये माना जाता है कि शिव  श्मशान वासी हैं, उनका स्वरुप बहुत भयंकर और अघोरी है। लेकिन, ये स्तुति बताती है कि उनका स्वरुप बहुत दिव्य है। शिव को सृष्टि का अधिपति माना गया है, वे मृत्युलोक के देवता हैं, उन्हें पशुपतिनाथ भी कहा जाता है, पशुपति का अर्थ है संसार के जितने भी जीव हैं (मनुष्य सहित) उन सब का अधिपति। ये स्तुति इसी कारण से गाई जाती है कि जो इस समस्त संसार का अधिपति है, वो हमारे मन में वास करे। शिव श्मशान वासी हैं, जो मृत्यु के भय को दूर करते हैं। हमारे मन में शिव वास करें, मृत्यु का भय दूर हो।

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

New Definitions of old words !!

A person who has stopped growing at both ends and is now growing in the middle.

A body that keeps minutes and wastes hours.

Mud with the juice squeezed out.

Someone who is usually me-deep in conversation.

Cold Storage.    

An honest opinion openly expressed.  

Cutting money in half without damaging the paper.  

A grape with a sunburn.

Something you tell to one person at a time.

A bunch of bones with the person scraped off.

The pain that drives you to extraction.

One of the greatest Labor saving devices of today.  

Something other people have,similar to my character lines

Monday, August 08, 2016


After Kurukshetra war,
Dhritrarashtra asked Krishna,
“I had 100 sons.
All of them were killed.

Krishna replied,
“50 lifetimes ago,
You were a hunter.
While hunting,
You tried to shoot a male bird.
It flew away.
In anger,
You ruthlessly slaughtered the 100 baby birds in the nest.
Father-bird had to watch in helpless agony.
Because you caused that father-bird the pain of seeing the death of his 100 sons,
You too had to bear the pain of your 100 sons dying.

Dhritarastra said,
But why did I have to wait for fifty lifetimes?”
Krishna answered, “You were accumulating
' Punya' during the last
fifty lifetimes to get 100 sons -
Because that requires a lot of Punya .
Then you got the reaction for the 'Paap' (sin) that you have done fifty lifetimes ago.”

Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita (4.17) "Gahana Karmano Gatih"
The way in which action and reaction works is very complex.
God knows best which reaction has to be given at what time in what condition.
Some reaction may come in this lifetime,
Some in the next and Some in a distant future lifetime.

There is a saying,
*“The mills of God grind slow;*
*They grind exceedingly fine.”*
*So, every single action will be accounted for*,

Srimad Bhagavatam gives example:
If we have a cowshed with 1000 calves and
If we leave a mother cow there,
She will easily find out where her calf is among those thousands.
She has this Mystical Ability.

*Our karma will find us among the millions on this planet.*
*There may be thousands going on the road but only one meets with an accident*
*It is not by chance,*
*It's by KARMA.*

*Thus,the LAW OF KARMA works exceedingly fine;*
it may be

So be very careful about your words, actions and thoughts
God bless you all....

Thursday, August 04, 2016

An amazing interpretation of the Mahabharata...and it is so true...

It was said in the texts that eighty percent of the fighting male population of the civilization was wiped out in the eighteen days of the war.

Sanjay , at the end of the war went to the spot where the greatest war took place; Kurukshetra.
He looked around and wondered if the war really happened, if the ground beneath him had soaked all that blood, if the great Pandavas and Krishna stood where he stood.

“You will never know the truth about that!” said an aging soft voice.

Sanjay  turned around to find an Old man in saffron robes appearing out of a column of dust.

“I know you are here to find out about the Kurukshetra war, but you cannot know about that war till you know what the real war is about.” the Old man said enigmatically.

“What do you mean?”

“The Mahabharata is an Epic, a ballad, perhaps a reality but definitely a philosophy.”

The Old man smiled luring Sanjay into more questions.

“Can you tell me what the philosophy is then?”
Sanjay requested.

Sure, began the Old man.

“The Pandavas are nothing but your five senses, sight, smell, taste, touch and sound and do you know what the Kauravas are?”
 he asked narrowing his eyes.

 “The Kauravas are the hundred vices that attack your senses everyday but you can fight them and do you know how?”

Sanjay shook his head again.
“When Krishna rides your chariot!”
 The Old man smiled brighter and Sanjay gasped at that gem of insight.

“Krishna is your inner voice ,your soul, your guiding light and if you let your life in his hands you have nothing to worry.”

Sanjay was stupefied but came around quickly with another question. “Then why are Dronacharya and Bhishma fighting for the Kauravas, if they are vices?”

The Old man nodded, sadder for the question.

“It just means that as you grow up your perception of your elders change. The elders who you thought were perfect in your growing up years are not all that perfect. They have faults.  And one day you will have to decide if they are for your good or your bad.
Then you may also realize that you may have to fight them for the good. It is the hardest part of growing up and that is why the Geeta is important.”

Sanjay slumped down on the ground, not because he was tired but because he could understand and was struck by  the enormity of it all.

 “What about Karna?” he whispered.

“Ah!” said the Old man. “You have saved the best for last. Karna is the brother to your senses, he is desire, he is a part of you but stands with the vices. He feels wronged and makes excuses for being with the vices as your desire does all the time.

 Does your desire not give you excuses to embrace vices?”

Sanjay nodded silently. He looked at the ground, consumed with a million thoughts, trying to put everything together and then when he looked up the Old man was gone.

He seemed to have disappeared in the column of dust.........
Leaving behind the great philosophy of Life .

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

अर्धनारीश्वर अवतार की कथा

अर्धनारीश्वर अवतार की कथा---

“शीश गंग अर्धंग पार्वती….. नंदी भृंगी नृत्य करत है” शिव स्तुति में आये इस भृंगी नाम को आप सब ने जरुर ही सुना होगा। पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार ये एक ऋषि थे जो महादेव के परम भक्त थे किन्तु इनकी भक्ति कुछ ज्यादा ही कट्टर किस्म की थी। कट्टर से तात्पर्य है कि ये भगवान शिव की तो आराधना करते थे किन्तु बाकि भक्तो की भांति माता पार्वती को नहीं पूजते थे।

हालांकि उनकी भक्ति पवित्र और अदम्य थी लेकिन वो माता पार्वती जी को हमेशा ही शिव से अलग समझते थे या फिर ऐसा भी कह सकते है कि वो माता को कुछ समझते ही नही थे। वैसे ये कोई उनका घमंड नही अपितु शिव और केवल शिव में आसक्ति थी जिसमे उन्हें शिव के आलावा कुछ और नजर ही नही आता था। एक बार तो ऐसा हुआ की वो कैलाश पर भगवान शिव की परिक्रमा करने गए लेकिन वो पार्वती की परिक्रमा नही करना चाहते थे।

ऋषि के इस कृत्य पर माता पार्वती ने ऐतराज प्रकट किया और कहा कि हम दो जिस्म एक जान है तुम ऐसा नही कर सकते। पर शिव भक्ति की कट्टरता देखिये भृंगी ऋषि ने पार्वती जी को अनसुना कर दिया और भगवान शिव की परिक्रमा लगाने बढे। किन्तु ऐसा देखकर माता पार्वती शिव से सट कर बैठ गई। इस किस्से में और नया मोड़ तब आता है जब भृंगी ने सर्प का रूप धरा और दोनों के बीच से होते हुए शिव की परिक्रमा देनी चाही।

तब भगवान शिव ने माता पार्वती का साथ दिया और संसार में महादेव के अर्धनारीश्वर रूप का जन्म हुआ। अब भृंगी ऋषि क्या करते किन्तु गुस्से में आकर उन्होंने चूहे का रूप धारण किया और शिव और पार्वती को बीच से कुतरने लगे।

ऋषि के इस कृत्य पर आदिशक्ति को क्रोध आया और उन्होंने भृंगी ऋषि को श्राप दिया कि जो शरीर तुम्हे अपनी माँ से मिला है वो तत्काल प्रभाव से तुम्हारी देह छोड़ देगा।

हमारी तंत्र साधना कहती है कि मनुष्य को अपने शरीर में हड्डिया और मांसपेशिया पिता की देन होती है जबकि खून और मांस माता की देन होते है l श्राप के तुरंत प्रभाव से भृंगी ऋषि के शरीर से खून और मांस गिर गया। भृंगी निढाल होकर जमीन पर गिर पड़े और वो खड़े भी होने की भी क्षमता खो चुके थे l तब उन्हें अपनी भूल का एहसास हुआ और उन्होंने माँ पार्वती से अपनी भूल के लिए क्षमा मांगी।

हालाँकि तब पार्वती ने द्रवित होकर अपना श्राप वापस लेना चाहा किन्तु अपराध बोध से भृंगी ने उन्हें ऐसा करने से मना कर दिया l ऋषि को खड़ा रहने के लिए सहारे स्वरुप एक और (तीसरा) पैर प्रदान किया गया जिसके सहारे वो चल और खड़े हो सके तो भक्त भृंगी के कारण ऐसे हुआ था महादेव के अर्धनारीश्वर रूप का उदय।

Monday, August 01, 2016

Short stories. Horror.

Shortlisted entries in a competition for short horror stories wrapped up in two sentences or less...

1. Husband  kills  his wife while their 5 yr old son was still sleeping.
The weird thing was that kid didn't ask 4 his mom even 3 days after she went missing.
Father:" Is there something that you want   to ask me ? "
Kid : "I just wonder, why mom is always standing behind you?"

2. I woke up to hear knocking on glass. At first, I thought it was the window until I heard it come from the mirror again.

3. The last thing I saw was my alarm clock flashing 12:07 before she pushed her long rotting nails through my chest, her other hand muffling my screams. I sat bolt upright, relieved it was only a dream, but as I saw my alarm clock read 12:06, I heard my closet door creak open.

4. In all of the time that I've lived alone in this house, I swear to God I've closed more doors than I've opened.

5. A girl heard her mom yell her name from downstairs, so she got up & started to head down. As she got to the stairs, her mom pulled her into her room & said "I heard that, too."

6. My wife woke me up last night to tell me there was an intruder in our house. She was murdered by an intruder 2 years ago.

7. I always thought my cat had a staring problem. she always seemed fixated on my face. Until one day, when I realized that she was always looking just behind me.

8. There's nothing like the laughter of a baby. Unless it's 1 a.m. & you're home alone.

9. I begin tucking him into bed & he tells me, "Daddy, check for monsters under my bed."
I look underneath for his amusement & see him.. another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and whispering, "Daddy, there's somebody on my bed."

10. You get home, tired after a long day's work & ready for a relaxing night alone. You reach for the light switch, but another hand is already there.

11. There was a picture in my phone of me sleeping. I live alone.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Samsung Story

1- In 1938, Lee Byung-Chull launched Samsung in South Korea as a grocery shop.

2- In 1940, due to tight competition in the grocery segment, Samsung abandoned grocery for producing and selling of noddles.

3- In 1950, Samsung abandoned production of noddles for producing of sugar.

4- In 1954, Samsung left sugar and started a woolen mill in Korea.

5- In 1956, Samsung abandoned woolen mill and started selling Insurance and securities.

6- In 1960, Samsung left selling of insurance and securities for production of television - the black and white television. Not color television.

7- In 1980, Samsung switched to telecoms, producing telephone switch boards.

8- In 1987, Lee the founder and owner of Samsung died. The company now broke into four independent companies- department stores, chemicals & logistics, paper/telecom and electronics.

9- Same year, Samsung decided to focus on international investing, investing in plants & semi conductor facilities around the world.

10- In 1990, Samsung delved into real estate abandoning international investing in semi conductors. Samsung built the worlds tallest buildings: Petronas Towers Malaysia, Taipei 101 in Taiwan

11- In 1993, there was heavy recession and Asian markets went belly up, Lee's son who had succeeded him as the CEO of Samsung began downsizing, selling subsidiaries and merged the rest.

12- With the merging of the electronics, engineering and chemicals division, Samsung became the worlds largest producer of memory chips.

13- In 1995, Samsung switched to liquid-crystal displays and over the next 10 years became the worlds largest manufacturer of flat screen television.

14- In 2010, with liquid crystal displays becoming competitive, Samsung launches a 10 year growth strategy, with smart phones being a key focus.

15- In 2016, Samsung is worlds largest mobile and smart phone maker, outselling iPhone two to one.

Samsung sales today is over $250 billion and produces a fifth of South Korea's total exports.

Don't be afraid of change. If you don't change, you become insignificant. Don't be afraid of delving into new waters. Don't get stuck doing same thing over and over again, it's boring. The life is in the risk. The life is in the new!!!!   If your idea isn't working or you are stagnant, don't stick to the Glorious' past, take the risk and move on. It's far better than being stagnant.

Excellent letter to parent by school

Heritage School Kolkata sent this letter to all their board parents before few months....just loved it, so sharing with you all:

Dear Parent,

The exams of children are to start soon. I know you are all really anxious for your child to do well.

But, please do remember, amongst the students, who will give the exams, is an artist, who doesn't need to understand Maths.

There's an entrepreneur, who doesn't care about History or English literature.

There's a musician, whose Chemistry marks won't matter.

There's a sportsperson, whose physical fitness is more important than Physics.

If your child does get top marks then great. But, if he or she doesn't please don't take away their self- confidence from them.

Tell them it's ok, it's just an exam. They are cut out for much bigger things in life.

Tell them, no matter what they score, you love them and will not judge them.

Please do this and if you do, watch your children conquer the world. One exam or a 90 percent won't take away their dreams and talent.

With Warm Regards,

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Story of Samsung

1- In 1938, Lee Byung-Chull launched Samsung in South Korea as a grocery shop.

2- In 1940, due to tight competition in the grocery segment, Samsung abandoned grocery for producing and selling of noddles.

3- In 1950, Samsung abandoned production of noddles for producing of sugar.

4- In 1954, Samsung left sugar and started a woolen mill in Korea.

5- In 1956, Samsung abandoned woolen mill and started selling Insurance and securities.

6- In 1960, Samsung left selling of insurance and securities for production of television - the black and white television. Not color television.

7- In 1980, Samsung switched to telecoms, producing telephone switch boards.

8- In 1987, Lee the founder and owner of Samsung died. The company now broke into four independent companies- department stores, chemicals & logistics, paper/telecom and electronics.

9- Same year, Samsung decided to focus on international investing, investing in plants & semi conductor facilities around the world.

10- In 1990, Samsung delved into real estate abandoning international investing in semi conductors. Samsung built the worlds tallest buildings: Petronas Towers Malaysia, Taipei 101 in Taiwan

11- In 1993, there was heavy recession and Asian markets went belly up, Lee's son who had succeeded him as the CEO of Samsung began downsizing, selling subsidiaries and merged the rest.

12- With the merging of the electronics, engineering and chemicals division, Samsung became the worlds largest producer of memory chips.

13- In 1995, Samsung switched to liquid-crystal displays and over the next 10 years became the worlds largest manufacturer of flat screen television.

14- In 2010, with liquid crystal displays becoming competitive, Samsung launches a 10 year growth strategy, with smart phones being a key focus.

15- In 2016, Samsung is worlds largest mobile and smart phone maker, outselling iPhone two to one.

Samsung sales today is over $250 billion and produces a fifth of South Korea's total exports.

Don't be afraid of change. If you don't change, you become insignificant. Don't be afraid of delving into new waters. Don't get stuck doing same thing over and over again, it's boring. The life is in the risk. The life is in the new!!!!   If your idea isn't working or you are stagnant, don't stick to the Glorious' past, take the risk and move on. It's far better than being stagnant.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

People are often unreasonable

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centred;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are honest and sincere, people may cheat you;
Be honest and sincere anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

Monday, July 11, 2016

क्या आपने कभी इन पश्चिमी philosophers को पढ़ा है:

*क्या आपने कभी इन पश्चिमी philosophers को पढ़ा है:*

1. *लियो टॉल्स्टॉय (1828 -1910):*

"हिन्दू और हिन्दुत्व ही एक दिन दुनिया पर राज करेगी, क्योंकि इसी में ज्ञान और बुद्धि का संयोजन है"।

2. *हर्बर्ट वेल्स (1846 - 1946):*

" हिन्दुत्व का प्रभावीकरण फिर होने तक अनगिनत कितनी पीढ़ियां अत्याचार सहेंगी और जीवन कट जाएगा । तभी एक दिन पूरी दुनिया उसकी ओर आकर्षित हो जाएगी, उसी दिन ही दिलशाद होंगे और उसी दिन दुनिया आबाद होगी । सलाम हो उस दिन को "।

3. *अल्बर्ट आइंस्टीन (1879 - 1955):*

"मैं समझता हूँ कि हिन्दूओ ने अपनी बुद्धि और जागरूकता के माध्यम से वह किया जो यहूदी न कर सके । हिन्दुत्व मे ही वह शक्ति है जिससे शांति स्थापित हो सकती है"।

4. *हस्टन स्मिथ (1919):*

"जो विश्वास हम पर है और इस हम से बेहतर कुछ भी दुनिया में है तो वो हिन्दुत्व है । अगर हम अपना दिल और दिमाग इसके लिए खोलें तो उसमें हमारी ही भलाई होगी"।

5. *माइकल नोस्टरैडैमस (1503 - 1566):*

" हिन्दुत्व ही यूरोप में शासक धर्म बन जाएगा बल्कि यूरोप का प्रसिद्ध शहर हिन्दू राजधानी बन जाएगा"।

6. *बर्टरेंड रसेल (1872 - 1970):*

"मैंने हिन्दुत्व को पढ़ा और जान लिया कि यह सारी दुनिया और सारी मानवता का धर्म बनने के लिए है । हिन्दुत्व पूरे यूरोप में फैल जाएगा और यूरोप में हिन्दुत्व के बड़े विचारक सामने आएंगे । एक दिन ऐसा आएगा कि हिन्दू ही दुनिया की वास्तविक उत्तेजना होगा "।

7. *गोस्टा लोबोन (1841 - 1931):*

" हिन्दू ही सुलह और सुधार की बात करता है । सुधार ही के विश्वास की सराहना में ईसाइयों को आमंत्रित करता हूँ"।

8.  *बरनार्ड शा (1856 - 1950):*

"सारी दुनिया एक दिन हिन्दू धर्म स्वीकार कर लेगी । अगर यह वास्तविक नाम स्वीकार नहीं भी कर सकी तो रूपक नाम से ही स्वीकार कर लेगी। पश्चिम एक दिन हिन्दुत्व स्वीकार कर लेगा और हिन्दू ही दुनिया में पढ़े लिखे लोगों का धर्म होगा "।

9. *जोहान गीथ (1749 - 1832):*

"हम सभी को अभी या बाद मे हिन्दू धर्म स्वीकार करना ही होगा । यही असली धर्म है ।मुझे कोई हिन्दू कहे तो मुझे बुरा नहीं लगेगा, मैं यह सही बात को स्वीकार करता हूँ ।"


एक माँ अपने पूजा-पाठ से फुर्सत पाकर अपने विदेश में रहने वाले बेटे से फोन पर बात करते समय पूँछ बैठी: ... बेटा! कुछ पूजा-पाठ भी करते हो या फुर्सत ही नहीं मिलती?

बेटे ने माँ को बताया - "माँ,  मैं एक आनुवंशिक वैज्ञानिक हूँ ...
मैं अमेरिका में मानव के विकास पर काम कर रहा हूँ ...
विकास का सिद्धांत, चार्ल्स डार्विन... क्या आपने उसके बारे में सुना है ?"

उसकी माँ मुस्कुरा कर बोली - “मैं डार्विन के बारे में जानती हूँ, बेटा ... मैं यह भी जानती हूँ कि तुम जो सोचते हो कि उसने जो भी खोज की, वह वास्तव में सनातन-धर्म के लिए बहुत पुरानी खबर है...“

“हो सकता है माँ !” बेटे ने भी व्यंग्यपूर्वक कहा ...

“यदि तुम कुछ होशियार हो, तो इसे सुनो,” उसकी माँ ने प्रतिकार किया...
... “क्या तुमने दशावतार के बारे में सुना है ? विष्णु के दस अवतार ?”

बेटे ने सहमति में कहा "हाँ! पर दशावतार का मेरी रिसर्च से क्या लेना-देना?"

माँ फिर बोली: लेना-देना है मेरे लाल... मैं तुम्हें बताती हूँ कि तुम और मि. डार्विन क्या नहीं जानते हैं ?

पहला अवतार था मत्स्य अवतार, यानि मछली | ऐसा इसलिए कि जीवन पानी में आरम्भ हुआ | यह बात सही है या नहीं ?”

बेटा अब और अधिक ध्यानपूर्वक सुनने लगा |

उसके बाद आया दूसरा कूर्म अवतार, जिसका अर्थ है कछुआ, क्योंकि जीवन पानी से जमीन की ओर चला गया 'उभयचर (Amphibian)' | तो कछुए ने समुद्र से जमीन की ओर विकास को दर्शाया |

तीसरा था वराह अवतार, जंगली सूअर, जिसका मतलब जंगली जानवर जिनमें बहुत अधिक बुद्धि नहीं होती है | तुम उन्हें डायनासोर कहते हो, सही है ? बेटे ने आंखें फैलाते हुए सहमति जताई |

चौथा अवतार था नृसिंह अवतार, आधा मानव, आधा पशु, जंगली जानवरों से बुद्धिमान जीवों तक विकास |

पांचवें वामन अवतार था, बौना जो वास्तव में लंबा बढ़ सकता था | क्या तुम जानते हो ऐसा क्यों है ? क्योंकि मनुष्य दो प्रकार के होते थे, होमो इरेक्टस और होमो सेपिअंस, और होमो सेपिअंस ने लड़ाई जीत ली |"

बेटा दशावतार की प्रासंगिकता पर स्तब्ध हो रहा था जबकि उसकी माँ पूर्ण प्रवाह में थी...

छठा अवतार था परशुराम - वे, जिनके पास कुल्हाड़ी की ताकत थी, वो मानव जो गुफा और वन में रहने वाला था | गुस्सैल, और सामाजिक नहीं |

सातवां अवतार था मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम श्री राम, सोच युक्त प्रथम सामाजिक व्यक्ति, जिन्होंने समाज के नियम बनाए और समस्त रिश्तों का आधार |

आठवां अवतार था जगद्गुरु श्री कृष्ण, राजनेता, राजनीतिज्ञ, प्रेमी जिन्होंने ने समाज के नियमों का आनन्द लेते हुए यह सिखाया कि सामाजिक ढांचे में कैसे रहकर फला-फूला जा सकता है |

नवां अवतार था भगवान बुद्ध, वे व्यक्ति जो नृसिंह से उठे और मानव के सही स्वभाव को खोजा | उन्होंने मानव द्वारा ज्ञान की अंतिम खोज की पहचान की |

और अंत में दसवां अवतार कल्कि आएगा, वह मानव जिस पर तुम काम कर रहे हो | वह मानव जो आनुवंशिक रूप से अति-श्रेष्ठ होगा |

बेटा अपनी माँ को अवाक होकर सुनता रहा |
अंत में बोल पड़ा "यह अद्भुत है माँ, भारतीय दर्शन वास्तव में अर्थपूर्ण है |"

...पुराण अर्थपूर्ण हैं | सिर्फ आपका देखने का नज़रिया होना चाहिए धार्मिक या वैज्ञानिक ?

Osho on parenting

You will be gone soon but the children will be here. And nobody can manage anybody else's life. Though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts for they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit even in your dreams. God will take care. It is none of your business to be too concerned. Whatsoever we can do, we do, but one should not hanker about things going the way you want. That is very egoistic.
You have given birth to a child, but once he is out of the womb he is free of you. First he depended for his breath on you when he was in the womb. Then he will take his own breath.

You don't say
'What are you doing? Are you trying to be
free of me? Trying to be independent?'

You feel happy that your child is breathing.

First he will take milk from you, then one day he will start eating on his own.

First he will go on clinging to your apron and then one day he will leave it.

You will be happy because the child is growing, becoming mature. Then finally one day he falls in love with a woman.
He has found his woman, so he will go
on his own way.

Bless them, and whatsoever happens
they have to find their own life and their
own meaning to life.

Now you are free.
Just try to find your meaning, your life, your goals, and devote the few days that are left to the search of the ultimate.

Don't be concerned with ordinary things. I have never seen a single parent who is
happy about their children. I have heard a Jewish joke..

A Jewish woman died and the first thing she asked when she got to heaven was if she could see Mary. So it was arranged. She went to see Mary and said, ''I have only one question to ask. You must be the happiest woman in the world. Your son is worshipped by millions.'' Mary said, ''What! I always wanted him to
become a doctor''.

Nobody is ever happy. Even the father of Buddha was not happy. He was very very annoyed because his son turned out to
be a beggar. He became a sannyasi
and the father was hoping he would
become an emperor. He crushed all his
father's hopes.

One thing is certain -- that the child is not
here to fulfill your expectations.
The child is here with his own destiny, and he will unfold his own destiny. You are trying somehow to direct his destiny
and that is going to be frustrating. So if the child becomes a thief or a murderer, of course the parents feel bad, and it looks logical.
But even if he becomes a Jesus or a Buddha, then too they feel frustrated
because they have their own ideas and the children try to do their own thing.

Accept it and bless them. They have to find their own ways

Who are we to interfere? And how can we?

Pray for them but leave them on their own. You try to grow yourself.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

उसे आईलाइनर पसंद था

उसे आईलाइनर पसंद था,
मुझे काजल।

वो फ्रेंच टोस्ट और कॉफी पे मरती थी,
और मैं अदरक की चाय पे।

उसे नाइट क्लब पसंद थे,
मुझे रात की शांत सड़कें।

शांत लोग मरे हुए लगते थे उसे,
मुझे शांत रहकर उसे सुनना पसंद था।

लेखक बोरिंग लगते थे उसे,
पर मुझे मिनटों देखा करती जब मैं लिखता।

वो न्यूयॉर्क के टाइम्स स्कवायर, इस्तांबुल के ग्रैंड बाजार में शॉपिंग के सपने देखती थी,
मैं असम के चाय के बागानों में खोना चाहता था।
मसूरी के लाल डिब्बे में बैठकर सूरज डूबना देखना चाहता था।

उसकी बातों में महँगे शहर थे,
और मेरा तो पूरा शहर ही वो।

न मैंने उसे बदलना चाहा न उसने मुझे।
एक अरसा हुआ दोनों को रिश्ते से आगे बढ़े।

कुछ दिन पहले उनके साथ रहने वाली एक दोस्त से पता चला,
वो अब शांत रहने लगी है,
लिखने लगी है,
मसूरी भी घूम आई,
लाल डिब्बे पर अँधेरे तक बैठी रही।
आधी रात को अचानक से उनका मन
अब चाय पीने को करता है।

और मैं...

मैं भी अब अक्सर कॉफी पी लेता हूँ
किसी महँगी जगह बैठकर।

- गुलज़ार

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

It's never too late to start all over

At age 5 his Father died.

At age 16 he quit school.

At age 17 he had already lost four jobs.

At age 18 he got married.

Between ages 18 and 22, he was a railroad conductor and failed.

He joined the army and washed out there.

He applied for law school he was rejected.

He became an insurance sales man and failed again.

At age 19 he became a father.

At age 20 his wife left him and took their baby daughter.

He became a cook and dishwasher in a small cafe.

He failed in an attempt to kidnap his own daughter, and eventually he convinced his wife to return home.

At age 65 he retired.

On the 1st day of retirement he received a cheque from the Government for $105.

He felt that the Government was saying that he couldn’t provide for himself.

He decided to commit suicide, it wasn’t worth living anymore; he had failed so much.

He sat under a tree writing his will, but instead, he wrote what he would have accomplished with his life. He realised there was much more that he hadn’t done. There was one thing he could do better than anyone he knew. And that was how to cook.

So he borrowed $87 against his cheque and bought and fried up some chicken using his recipe, and went door to door to sell them to his neighbours in Kentucky.

Remember at age 65 he was ready to commit suicide.

But at age 88 Colonel Sanders, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Empire was a billionaire.

Moral of the story: Attitude. It's never too late to start all over.


You have what it takes to be successful. Go for it and make a difference...... Forwarded as received.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

5 रोचक कानूनी ज्ञान

हमारेे देश में कानूनन कुछ ऐसी हकीक़तें है, जिसकी जानकारी हमारे पास नहीं होने के कारण  हम अपने अधिकार से मेहरूम रह जाते है।

तो चलिए ऐसे ही कुछ  *5 रोचक फैक्ट्स* की जानकारी आपको देते है, जो जीवन में कभी भी उपयोगी हो सकती है.

👁‍🗨 *1.  शाम के वक्त महिलाओं की गिरफ्तारी नहीं हो सकती*-

कोड ऑफ़ क्रिमिनल प्रोसीजर, सेक्शन 46 के तहत शाम 6 बजे के बाद और सुबह 6 के पहले भारतीय पुलिस किसी भी महिला को गिरफ्तार नहीं कर सकती, फिर चाहे गुनाह कितना भी संगीन क्यों ना हो. अगर पुलिस ऐसा करते हुए पाई जाती है तो गिरफ्तार करने वाले पुलिस अधिकारी के खिलाफ शिकायत (मामला) दर्ज की जा सकती है. इससे उस पुलिस अधिकारी की नौकरी खतरे में आ सकती है.

👁‍🗨 *2. सिलेंडर फटने से जान-माल के नुकसान पर 40 लाख रूपये तक का बीमा कवर क्लेम कर सकते है*-

पब्लिक लायबिलिटी पॉलिसी के तहत अगर किसी कारण आपके घर में सिलेंडर फट जाता है और आपको जान-माल का नुकसान झेलना पड़ता है तो आप तुरंत गैस कंपनी से बीमा कवर क्लेम कर सकते है. आपको बता दे कि गैस कंपनी से 40 लाख रूपये तक का बीमा क्लेम कराया जा सकता है. अगर कंपनी आपका क्लेम देने से मना करती है या टालती है तो इसकी शिकायत की जा सकती है. दोषी पाये जाने पर गैस कंपनी का लायसेंस रद्द हो सकता है.

👁‍🗨 *3. कोई भी हॉटेल चाहे वो 5 स्टार ही क्यों ना हो… आप फ्री में पानी पी सकते है और वाश रूम इस्तमाल कर सकते है*-

इंडियन सीरीज एक्ट, 1887 के अनुसार आप देश के किसी भी हॉटेल में जाकर पानी मांगकर पी सकते है और उस हॉटल का वाश रूम भी इस्तमाल कर सकते है. हॉटेल छोटा हो या 5 स्टार, वो आपको रोक नही सकते. अगर हॉटेल का मालिक या कोई कर्मचारी आपको पानी पिलाने से या वाश रूम इस्तमाल करने से रोकता है तो आप उन पर कारवाई  कर सकते है. आपकी शिकायत से उस हॉटेल का लायसेंस रद्द हो सकता है.

👁‍🗨 *4. गर्भवती महिलाओं को नौकरी से नहीं निकाला जा सकता*-

मैटरनिटी बेनिफिट एक्ट 1961 के मुताबिक़ गर्भवती महिलाओं को अचानक नौकरी से नहीं निकाला जा सकता. मालिक को पहले तीन महीने की नोटिस देनी होगी और प्रेगनेंसी के दौरान लगने वाले खर्चे का कुछ हिस्सा देना होगा. अगर वो ऐसा नहीं करता है तो  उसके खिलाफ सरकारी रोज़गार संघटना में शिकायत कराई जा सकती है. इस शिकायत से कंपनी बंद हो सकती है या कंपनी को जुर्माना भरना पड़ सकता है.

👁‍🗨 *5. पुलिस अफसर आपकी शिकायत लिखने से मना नहीं कर सकता*-

आईपीसी के सेक्शन 166ए के अनुसार कोई भी पुलिस अधिकारी आपकी कोई भी शिकायत दर्ज करने से इंकार नही कर सकता. अगर वो ऐसा करता है तो उसके खिलाफ वरिष्ठ पुलिस दफ्तर में शिकायत दर्ज कराई जा सकती है. अगर वो पुलिस अफसर दोषी पाया जाता है तो उसे कम से कम 6 महीने से लेकर 1  साल तक की जेल हो सकती है या फिर उसे अपनी नौकरी गवानी पड़ सकती है.

इन रोचक फैक्ट्स को हमने आपके लिए ढूंढ निकाला है.

ये वो रोचक फैक्ट्स है, जो हमारे देश के कानून के अंतर्गत आते तो है पर हम इनसे अंजान है. हमारी कोशिश होगी कि हम आगे भी ऐसी बहोत सी रोचक बाते आपके समक्ष रखे, जो आपके जीवन में उपयोगी हो।